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Sir Paul

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  • Sir Paul

    I have just heard Sir Paul McCartney going on about being a vegetarian and saying that raising livestock makes more greenhouse gases than all the means of transport. He's entitled to his view but should consider that going on News at Ten in his words 'as a celebrity to get his point across' is very insulting to the farmers who are producing food for the nation and getting very little in return. I wonder if he wears leather shoes, has a leather belt or jacket? Don't get them without an animal or two. He should wind his scrawny neck in, the prat.

    Last edited by jax; 21 January 2008, 23:37.

  • #2
    He's lost the plot. His brain has shrivelled to walnut proportions.

    I wonder what makes 'celebs' think they have all the answers? (and more to the point, what person values a 'has been' pop star's opinions over that of hard factual science?

    Sun readers, step forward!
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      I think Linda was a veggy before they met, so he's been in that "circle" for 30 years, long before it was fashionable, and I think he owns farms with livestock himself, although he obviously doesn't rely on them for his livelyhood ( although the people who work them may do).
      I'm not defendinding or condeming his opinions, because I didn't see the news item, but at least he didn't blame it all on the 4x4's ( and who knows, he may have a valid point)

      Still working for the man!


      • #4
        Nah, he's just got a 'fashionable' axe to grind like all of the other weenie greenies. He lost credibility when he seemed to suggest that if we didn't eat meat it would save the planet. He's a to55er. The second least talented Beatle, behind John and George, and only ahead of Ringo by a fag paper!
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          It just makes me mad that there always seems to be someone putting a downer on eating meat. Most people don't know the sheer hard work that goes into producing it. He's entitled to his views but I would prefer he kept them to himself and not try to wreck people's livelihoods and lives - the government are doing a good job of that already!



          • #6
            i used to have respect for that hugh fearnly whittingstall... but the way he wanted chicken sheds run as pet shops has made me wonder!!

            not everyone can affort to be a fickle eater who can choose the finest organic produce!...
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


            • #7
              Originally posted by jax View Post
              It just makes me mad that there always seems to be someone putting a downer on eating meat. Most people don't know the sheer hard work that goes into producing it. He's entitled to his views but I would prefer he kept them to himself and not try to wreck people's livelihoods and lives - the government are doing a good job of that already!

              You're right, them lambs and calves put their whole lives into it

              If he said those things in France, the farmers would string him up.

              I like meat, and will eat it until the day I die, and I like vegetables too, they're great as a side dish ( to meat!)

              Still working for the man!


              • #8
                Originally posted by da SLUG man View Post
                i used to have respect for that hugh fearnly whittingstall... but the way he wanted chicken sheds run as pet shops has made me wonder!!

                not everyone can affort to be a fickle eater who can choose the finest organic produce!...
                He's another wannabe farmer, another prat. Sorry, on my soapbox tonight!



                • #9
                  I wound someone up recently by saying (when asked if I wouldn't prefer free range chicken) "I prefer mine force fed on corn"

                  There simply isn't enough room on the planet for us to feed everyone by treating all animals as though they were our granny.
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Apache View Post
                    I wound someone up recently by saying (when asked if I wouldn't prefer free range chicken) "I prefer mine force fed on corn"

                    There simply isn't enough room on the planet for us to feed everyone by treating all animals as though they were our granny.
                    That's a case of too many people, rather than not enough animals

                    There was a big display of free range meat on offer in the supermarket the other day, as i walked past all the people rummaging in the freezer I couldn't resist saying in a louder than usual voice "How can you call anything in a freezer free range?", i didn't half get a few glares
                    =SOLD UP!=


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Apache View Post
                      I wound someone up recently by saying (when asked if I wouldn't prefer free range chicken) "I prefer mine force fed on corn"

                      There simply isn't enough room on the planet for us to feed everyone by treating all animals as though they were our granny.
                      Well, not enough room in the UK that's fur sure, but there's loads of room in NZ, Aus, Africa ( with some irrigation) etc, etc, the biggest problem is the failure of the human race to control their breeding, and the world governments complete lack of humanity, and their penchant for politically motivated genocide.

                      Still working for the man!


                      • #12
                        Right! Sir Paul just lost all credibility as far as I'm concerned (not that he had much to start with).

                        Hugh what's his name an his chickens have made me think about what chickens I buy and look at maybe getting myself a few laying hens.

                        Paradoxically, Jamie's don't eat fast food thing will not stop me eting KFC.

                        Kill it cook it eat it has made me realise just how much we waste because it's not fashionable to eat it (mainly the Veal thing).

                        So from now on, I'll eat expensive chicken cos I'll feel better about the conditions it was reared in, I'll eat more veal cos it's a waste to kill it for no reason and when I get my chickens I'll only eat their eggs.

                        Oh, and I've always thought the Betles were over rated...
                        Do you know that, with a 50 character limit, it's


                        • #13
                          What I don't understand is how it's ok to battery rear people in flats piled high into the sky in horrible conditions with no daylight, or fresh air but chooks have to be in a field. People should be free range too!
                          it's in me shed, mate.


                          • #14
                            I just think all those interfering people known from television, (and I refrain from using the word celebrity purposefully), have too much money, too much free time and chuff all grasp on real life. They ought to be doing a proper days work instead of trying to bollox other peoples lives up, many of whom can ill afford their interfering twaddle.


                            • #15
                              The problem is, he's not far off being right. Cattle produce huge quantities of methane, and methane is a hugely potent greenhouse gas - much more so that CO2.

                              I'm not trying to defend either celebs who think they have the right to force their opinions on us, enviro-mental-ists, or veggies. Just setting the record straight-ish.

                              BTW, I eat meat, I love eating meat, and I won't be stopping any time soon. I appreciate our farmers and the work they do. I drive a 4x4. I don't accept the fallacy of Anthropogenic Global Warming necessarily being a bad thing. I like Blue.
                              Paul </Slugsie>
                              Immortal.so far!

