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fao rod

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  • fao rod

    rod how are you mate i owe you a big appology as the car has gone to surf heaven mate and i never got a chance to get anything of it as it was thi missus car and we had a fall out a few weeks ago she said #### it and scrapped it really sorry mate i wanted bits off it too but missed out what a bugger

  • #2
    Hello mate!!

    Not a problem buddy!! Sad to hear its all gone to the crusher! but i guess thats life right?!

    Hows your eye doing mate? All sorted yet?

    Take it easy!


    • #3
      far from it mate unfortunatly i still have have severe nerve damage to the right side my lower eye lid does no longer function and my peripheral vision is really bad (still get double vision if look anywhere but forward) and to top it all the police cant get the cctv from the night club as there cctv system has crashed but there is some good news i rang a company the other day about compo and have been told i could get 4.000 for the fracture as needed surgery and also aother payout for the nerve damage paying more than the fractur and another payout for the loss of vison so kinda happy about that but not as happy as giving the lad a ###### good kicking lol


      • #4

        Sorry to hear its that bad mate!!

        I spose £4k at least is gotta be some good!

        You can get yourself a 3rd gen mate!


        • #5
          na think im going to stick with mine but may toy with putting bigger engine in do you know what can drop straight in im hoping to get over £10.000 that would be nice i got to go back to see the face docs tomorrow acctually to get results of my ct scan last week as things seem to be getting worse


          • #6
            wow!! £10,000

            Im sure vince would help out fitting a lexus V8 for a few quid mate!!!!


            • #7
              when i know how much im getting ill drop him a line any im off for, now as got to,go to work soon chat soon mate

