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Some To55er

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  • Some To55er

    Some To55er while i was in tesco has tried to nick my wheel arch extension.There are no scuff marks from other vehicles on the truck so i take it someone has taken offence to the truck being dirty as the w/a extension was nearly right off.Lucky enough i was able to push it back on again

    S.B Shaun it wasn't you by any chance seeing as you are missing one now....
    Last edited by stormforce; 21 January 2008, 15:43.

  • #2
    is it windy down your way?

    It may be someone caught it with a trolley or something- and pulled it off but was too scared to stick around - big dirty trucks are always driven by big dirty people, right???

    It may just have been an accident......
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • #3
      thinking about it now tho if they had wanted the arch then they wouldn't of stopped and just pulled it off at least its still there thats the main thing


      • #4
        Dangerous places........Tesco car parks. I had One woman pull in beside me and rub right across my rear wheel arch. There was a note on the screen with a mob no. It was some one who saw it happen ( nice woman). I waited for the first one to turn up and when I told her she had hit my motor she denied it, even when I showed her my paint on her wing and hers on mine. I then rang the witness who was still in Tescos who came out and told me she saw her hit my car and it only caught her eye because my one Moved. Women shut up and gave me her Ins details, rear quarter resray.


        • #5
          Originally posted by stormforce View Post
          Some To55er while i was in tesco has tried to nick my wheel arch extension.There are no scuff marks from other vehicles on the truck so i take it someone has taken offence to the truck being dirty as the w/a extension was nearly right off.Lucky enough i was able to push it back on again

          S.B Shaun it wasn't you by any chance seeing as you are missing one now....
          it wasnt me honest ma lord its the wrong colour but i wish i thought of it yesterday i am very good with a tin of paint!!!
          cheers shaun


          • #6
            Originally posted by stormforce View Post
            Some To55er while i was in tesco has tried to nick my wheel arch extension.There are no scuff marks from other vehicles on the truck so i take it someone has taken offence to the truck being dirty as the w/a extension was nearly right off.Lucky enough i was able to push it back on again

            S.B Shaun it wasn't you by any chance seeing as you are missing one now....
            In this case you would be correct Andy
            Without Surf And Unhappy


            • #7
              Originally posted by The Lang-Shankit Scunner View Post
              In this case you would be correct Andy
              Just call me Columbo!
              Too old to care, young enough to remember


              • #8
                i'm just a dirty ole man man anyway


                • #9
                  Someone parke really close to mine once in Penryn free carpark. So close infact that i had to take their mirror off with my wheel arch extension on my way out of the parking space. Wot made me do it. they parked the same way as me, so their passenger door to my driver door, i had to climb in from the passenger side. Hopefully they learnt a valuable lesson that day.


                  • #10
                    I was parked at our local 'bum slapping' supermarket the other week, and I'd taken the space at the end of a row, so noone to my left, and there was a new Civic to my right - there was enough space for the owner to get in so I went into the shop...the owner of the Civic got out of the shop just in front of me, so I held back a bit - she looked at the Surf, turned her nose up a bit, put her shopping in the boot, disposed of her trolley and when back to her car - by which time I was putting my shopping into the Surf - and she sneered at me, and then whacked her door (while staring right at me) into the side of the Surf!
                    When she drove off, she had a nice dent on the edge of her door, and I had some Honda paint on the side step........
                    Too old to care, young enough to remember


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by MudSurfer View Post
                      I was parked at our local 'bum slapping' supermarket the other week, and I'd taken the space at the end of a row, so noone to my left, and there was a new Civic to my right - there was enough space for the owner to get in so I went into the shop...the owner of the Civic got out of the shop just in front of me, so I held back a bit - she looked at the Surf, turned her nose up a bit, put her shopping in the boot, disposed of her trolley and when back to her car - by which time I was putting my shopping into the Surf - and she sneered at me, and then whacked her door (while staring right at me) into the side of the Surf!
                      When she drove off, she had a nice dent on the edge of her door, and I had some Honda paint on the side step........
                      mmmmmmmmmm bum slapping lol


                      • #12
                        I like it when i just get in the car after shopping, and someone pulls into the parking space next to me real close. I look down at them, and wait............ They dont think they r so clever then cos they dont wanna bang their door against the surf. Then, as soon as they lock up and start walking, away i drive.

                        No wonder people h8 4x4's.


                        • #13
                          And for those without side steps.


                          Cheers JB
                          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


                          • #14
                            well !!!!!

                            not so much a ding protector,more a ding dong protector
                            Non intercooled nothing.


                            • #15
                              This one still makes me laugh even though it's clearly a set up. I sometimes think it would be great to have an old banger and shove the ones who can't park properly into the bays the way they should be.


                              Cheers JB
                              www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

