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Fuel cost,s

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  • Fuel cost,s

    This is just something that i coppied of off anouther forum guy,s and gals. Its up to you weather you join in or no. Please have a read.

    See what you think and pass it on if you agree with it. We are hitting 108.9 p a litre in some areas now, soon we will be faced with paying £1.10 a ltr. Philip Hollsworth offered this good idea:

    This makes MUCH MORE SENSE than the 'don't buy petrol on a certain day campaign that was going around last April or May! The oil companies just laughed at that because they knew we wouldn't continue to hurt ourselves by refusing to buy petrol. It was more of an inconvenience to us than it was a problem for them. BUT, whoever thought of this idea, has come up with a plan that can really work.

    Please read it and join in!

    Now that the oil companies and the OPEC nations have conditioned us to think that the cost of a litre is CHEAP, we need to take aggressive action to teach them that BUYERS control the market place not sellers. With the price of petrol going up more each day, we consumers need to take action. The only way we are going to see the price of petrol come down is if we hit someone in the pocket by not purchasing their Petrol! And we can do that WITHOUT hurting ourselves. Here's the idea:

    For the rest of this year DON'T purchase ANY petrol from the two biggest oil companies (which now are one), ESSO and BP.

    If they are not selling any petrol, they will be inclined to reduce their prices. If they reduce their prices, the other companies will have to follow suit. But to have an impact we need to reach literally millions of Esso and BP petrol buyers. It's really simple to do!!

    Now, don't wimp out on me at this point... keep reading and I'll explain how simple it is to reach millions of people!!

    I am sending this note to a lot of people. If each of you send it to at least ten more (30 x 10 = 300)... and those 300 send it to at least ten more (300 x 10 = 3,000) ... and so on, by the time the message reaches the sixth generation of people, we will have reached over THREE MILLION consumers! If those three million get excited and pass this on to ten friends each, then 30 million people will have been contacted! If it goes one level further, you guessed it... .


    Again, all You have to do is send this to 10 people. That's all.(and not buy at ESSO/BP) How long would all that take? If each of us sends this email out to ten more people within one day of receipt, all 300 MILLION people could conceivably be contacted within the next 8days!!! Acting together we can make a difference If this makes sense to you, please pass this message on.



    It's easy to make this happen. Just forward this email, and buy your petrol at Shell, Asda,Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons Jet etc. i.e. boycott BP and Esso

    If we could only stick together like the French do, to achieve a conbined aim!!!

  • #2
    I think its just a scam, unfortunately.

    AFAIK, the petrol leaves the refineries and just gets distributed where its needed.

    The circular was probably started by a marketing man at Texaco
    Signature stolen along with Surf...


    • #3
      (not aimed at you, you're just the messenger )

      This keeps on getting suggested, and it's not happened yet, and I doubt it will. Don't get me wrong, I'm not happy about the high prices, especially as my annual mileage has recently gone waaaaay up.

      Also, no way will the oil companies (any of them) be able to bring the price down to even slightly close to 69p/ltr when the taxes on a litre of fuel are over 80p/ltr.
      Paul </Slugsie>
      Immortal.so far!


      • #4
        You're right! A large chunk of the recent rise was an increase in tax that Gordon put in last year and there is more to come. Incidentally I recently had to pay £1.15 for a !!!


        • #5
          Can i just say that this is no scam, this is a forum that my husband goes on and it was started up by a friend of ours. I told him i would put it on hear but cant promice that it will help but ive done it now so it really is your choice guys.


          • #6
            It doesn't matter what it says on the sign, it's where it comes from that counts.

            Tesco will buy from the cheapest supplier be that BP, Esso, Phillips petroleum etc.

            Anyway near us the Esso garages are on a par with the supermarkets. Our local Tesco's are selling at 1.07 Per Litre, the Esso is 1.06 per litre.

            I have noticed that In our area BP always seem to be dearest by a couple of pence
            Bring me the head of a treehugger


            • #7
              MORRISONS is the cheapest for Diesel round here.
              £1.10 a Litre its MAD
              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


              • #8
                Originally posted by Mitsy View Post
                Can i just say that this is no scam, this is a forum that my husband goes on and it was started up by a friend of ours. I told him i would put it on hear but cant promice that it will help but ive done it now so it really is your choice guys.
                Not accusing you or anyone or trying to scam. The fact is though that this message has been circulating for over a year now, and nothing has come of it.

                Originally posted by marky View Post
                MORRISONS is the cheapest for Diesel round here.
                £1.10 a Litre its MAD
                Strangely enough, the cheapest fuel near me is usually from one of two Shell garages.

                Use PetrolPrices.com to find your cheapest local supplier. I get an email twice a week from them which helps keep me up to date as to the best place to purchase.
                Paul </Slugsie>
                Immortal.so far!


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Mitsy View Post
                  Can i just say that this is no scam, this is a forum that my husband goes on and it was started up by a friend of ours. I told him i would put it on hear but cant promice that it will help but ive done it now so it really is your choice guys.
                  Sorry, "scam" was a poor choice of word. I meant it was just a hoax really, one of those chain e-mail thingies.
                  Signature stolen along with Surf...


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by corsetts View Post
                    Sorry, "scam" was a poor choice of word. I meant it was just a hoax really, one of those chain e-mail thingies.
                    Yes i would off thought that if it came through on email but this was a freind off ours who posted it on a forum. I just think it could be worth a try, it wont cost anything to try and you never now it really could work.It must be worth a go.


                    • #11
                      how about keep setting petrol stations on fire till they give
                      us a good price

                      also government are on about putting another 2p on per liter
                      but garage near me just went up 2p anyway 10days ago

                      i wish my wages would go up 10% or more a year, just seems now i earn less each year
                      as the price of everything else goes through the roof!!!
                      Last edited by SurfingNow; 21 January 2008, 15:54.


                      • #12
                        Fuel Prices

                        Im not defending the Oil companies,they are increasing fuel prices but it is because the oil producing Countries are increasing the price of crude oil, if you want someone to Protest against look no further than Gordon Brown and this Poxy government, they continue to find new ways of applying Stealth Taxes whereever they can. Why is it that other European Countries where presumedly there garages pay the same price as ours for there supply,charge way below our fuel prices, coz 2 thirds of our fuel price is Tax, and while we keep blaming the Oil companies the Politicians are laughing in there Manifestoes, we should be putting pressure on the Government .Rant over veryangry


                        • #13
                          just like this emission thing, new cars now days are taxed to the hilt if they have
                          hight emissions, but they wanna look over the water, the ###### yanks drive round in 5liter engined beasts
                          so why should we pay through the nose for them fat yanks destroying the planet


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by becks4x4 View Post
                            Im not defending the Oil companies,they are increasing fuel prices but it is because the oil producing Countries are increasing the price of crude oil, if you want someone to Protest against look no further than Gordon Brown and this Poxy government, they continue to find new ways of applying Stealth Taxes whereever they can. Why is it that other European Countries where presumedly there garages pay the same price as ours for there supply,charge way below our fuel prices, coz 2 thirds of our fuel price is Tax, and while we keep blaming the Oil companies the Politicians are laughing in there Manifestoes, we should be putting pressure on the Government .Rant over veryangry
                            Now this i do agree with but how do we do that. How can we make any off them listen to us.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Mitsy View Post
                              Now this i do agree with but how do we do that. How can we make any off them listen to us.
                              With difficulty. But for a start contact your local MP, express your concerns and ask them where they stand. Take it from there.

                              Paul </Slugsie>
                              Immortal.so far!

