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Any pest control guys on here?

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  • #16
    I would have thought they're coming from the fields behind your house try to find where they come through and drop the poison there.


    • #17
      id say shoot them thats what i do, but if you know anyone with some terriers(dogs)
      there good for rattin, ive seen my mates dogs have loads of rats over the years!


      • #18
        Originally posted by Leodis View Post
        I would have thought they're coming from the fields behind your house try to find where they come through and drop the poison there.
        How did you know i've got fields round my House?
        No the there are at least 6 Rat holes in my garden and the dogs are constantly sniffing around where I presume the nests are.
        Trust your Hound.


        • #19
          Try gassing them.

          Connect a hose to a petrol engined piece of garden machinery or similar and stick other end of hose into rat hole - has been known to be quite effective.


          • #20
            If you can't get hold of some Claymores, I can send you a good recipe for napalm...

            I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


            • #21
              i kept the rats down on my old tipping site
              with concreat mixed with glass shards mixed in to it
              pee is very good poored down the hole no rats for weeks after that one

              other ways are that rats see blood and go in to a feeding frezzy
              razers round the rat hole can end it all
              am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


              • #22
                Originally posted by rockdrill View Post
                Try gassing them.

                Connect a hose to a petrol engined piece of garden machinery or similar and stick other end of hose into rat hole - has been known to be quite effective.
                If you do this, do have stout boots on, and gloves and a shovel in your hand... you are as likely to flush em out as gas em.
                I would go all out, bait em, shoot em smoke em out and then dig them out. Be very careful though as they are proper nasty when cornered, and will jump higher than you would expect. Burn any dead ones, and don't touch em with bare hands. Ever...
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #23
                  Originally posted by Taliesins View Post
                  How did you know i've got fields round my House?
                  No the there are at least 6 Rat holes in my garden and the dogs are constantly sniffing around where I presume the nests are.
                  Saw you turn in off churwell hill after you flashed at me.


                  • #24
                    Get some round guttering , cut it up into about 1 foot long tubes. Place around the garden next to sheds, walls ect. Get poisen and wrap it up in clingfilm into small bags. Put into tubes at night , check in the morning if thier all gone before you let dogs out. Only put down at night as rats are more active at night plus you wont poisen any other animals through the day then. Keep putting out everynight untill they stop taking the bate and its being left. Then you now you have killed them all. As for the traps melt chocolate onto the traps so they cant just nick the food and run, they will have to eat at it to get it off. Good luck.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Chillitt View Post
                      If you do this, do have stout boots on, and gloves and a shovel in your hand... you are as likely to flush em out as gas em.
                      I would go all out, bait em, shoot em smoke em out and then dig them out. Be very careful though as they are proper nasty when cornered, and will jump higher than you would expect. Burn any dead ones, and don't touch em with bare hands. Ever...

                      Caddyshack ????

                      Сви можемо


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Bogus View Post
                        Caddyshack ????

                        Me, catching rats... http://entimg.msn.com/i/BillMurray/C...ck_300x298.jpg
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Leodis View Post
                          Saw you turn in off churwell hill after you flashed at me.
                          you can get arrested for that type of behaviour!
                          it never rain it pours! glad I got the 4X4

