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Got it at last!

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  • Got it at last!

    I picked up my Surf on Monday and this is the first chance
    i have had to get back on line, i just seem to be walking around in a daze with a stupid grin on my face.

    Does this feeling ever wear off ?

    I hope not !

    Yipeeeeeeee!!! I've got a surf !!!!!


  • #2
    Originally posted by Quicka
    I picked up my Surf on Monday and this is the first chance
    i have had to get back on line, i just seem to be walking around in a daze with a stupid grin on my face.

    Does this feeling ever wear off ?

    I hope not !

    Yipeeeeeeee!!! I've got a surf !!!!!


    i,m still the same, every time i look out of the window i grin when i see me truck, and grin even wider when i drive it, and iv,e had it 7mth. now



    • #3
      I'm still smiling too, eight months on and still learning how to get the best out of the truck. I am doing all my own work on it, thanks to the great help and advice from this forum, which is not bad for a former spannerphobe!
      It's only a hobby!


      • #4
        The grin keeps going, then you start to find daft excuses to take the toy for a spin, for example last night I noticed we were low on bin bags (at 2210 hrs) and dashed off for half an hour to find a bin bag vendor (carefully ignoring Tescos 24hr shop 1/2 a mile away).
        It just keeps getting worse, I think I need therapy
        Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!

