OK guys, as mentioned by our esteemed member Mr M. Surfer, its that time again when we empty our fat pockets for those facing the personal tragedy of the big C.
We all know someone, and it could be us or our loved ones, so this charity is absolutely, totally worthwhile.
With this in mind, some time back, my mum (normally a landscape painter) tried her hand at adding a Surf or two to said landscapes. One is from a photo of a killer green lane in North Wales that several of us have done, the other is from a photo of some laning near Clee Hill (Ludlow way) in the snow late last year. Both are framed nicely and MUCH better than my photos are capable of showing.
I am going to auction them separately, starting at a tenner each (WAY less than they deserve) so place your bids here. As I want the Wales one, I'll start the bidding at a tenner. Please just cut and paste the list below, and add your bids? Dig deep for this worthwhile charity, and lets show 'them' that us 4x4 owners are socially responsible.
Wales Pic Bids
1) Apache £10
Clee Hill Pic Bids
1) ?
Here's the Wales one.

And here's Clee Hill in the snow.
We all know someone, and it could be us or our loved ones, so this charity is absolutely, totally worthwhile.
With this in mind, some time back, my mum (normally a landscape painter) tried her hand at adding a Surf or two to said landscapes. One is from a photo of a killer green lane in North Wales that several of us have done, the other is from a photo of some laning near Clee Hill (Ludlow way) in the snow late last year. Both are framed nicely and MUCH better than my photos are capable of showing.
I am going to auction them separately, starting at a tenner each (WAY less than they deserve) so place your bids here. As I want the Wales one, I'll start the bidding at a tenner. Please just cut and paste the list below, and add your bids? Dig deep for this worthwhile charity, and lets show 'them' that us 4x4 owners are socially responsible.
Wales Pic Bids
1) Apache £10
Clee Hill Pic Bids
1) ?
Here's the Wales one.

And here's Clee Hill in the snow.
