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Happy Birthday Marky !!!!

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  • #31
    Originally posted by marky View Post
    Ive just been offered an 8 Week Contract with HP So i'm going to take it as i will never get out of the Mundane low paid job i'm in. SO THERE
    Hope it works out for you Marky. Do a good job for them ( and Im sure you will) and who knows where the 8 week contract will lead. I know guys who have done similar and years later are still working for the same people,

    Сви можемо


    • #32
      Originally posted by mud skipper View Post
      good luck on the job front n hope the wifes happier

      Jeeeyz mate, I hope she is worth it an has good reason for the need for money.

      Money don't buy happiness. Might be best off out of it (sorry if it sounds harsh but that's my honest opinion).

      Work to live (within reason) and not live to work.

      How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


      • #33
        Originally posted by Bibs View Post
        Jeeeyz mate, I hope she is worth it an has good reason for the need for money.

        Money don't buy happiness. Might be best off out of it (sorry if it sounds harsh but that's my honest opinion).

        Work to live (within reason) and not live to work.

        Looks like i'll be in a new job in Chester soon. Business park side.
        5K more than i'm on at the moment.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Bogus View Post
          Hope it works out for you Marky. Do a good job for them ( and Im sure you will) and who knows where the 8 week contract will lead. I know guys who have done similar and years later are still working for the same people,

          Thats how i got my last 2 jobs which in all lasted 18 years.


          • #35
            chin up mate.you just have to do whatever you can,and if you find this ends then another job will be waiting there for you somewhere
            Non intercooled nothing.


            • #36
              Originally posted by marky View Post
              Looks like i'll be in a new job in Chester soon. Business park side.
              5K more than i'm on at the moment.

              Ooooo are you gonna have fun gettin too an from there........Which company on there?
              How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


              • #37
                hope you get sorted with a decent job soon Mark as you certainly deserve it with all the shit you've had with jobs in the last year


                • #38
                  Originally posted by marky View Post
                  Thats how i got my last 2 jobs which in all lasted 18 years.

                  Started at my company 15 years ago this April on an agency contract - no qualifications to speak of an hey - got a not so bad job out of it.

                  tis a foot in the door if you can prove yourself.
                  How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                  • #39
                    As i work funny hours 0900-1900 i never see the daytime or have time to look for anything else & the Salary is not good. Overtime is normal rate,
                    Also the others now know how much i'm on, They've been there years & i earn more than them. BUGGA! I thought they earnt more than i did but no upto 3k less & im only on 17k. So the staff have decided to pile all they're crap on me. So ive had the week off Sick to look for something else.
                    (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR

