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Logging in!

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  • Logging in!

    Why is it that 9 times out of 10 when i try to make or answer a post or pm, I get a message telling me i am not logged in, even when i am? Could it be down to my firewall settings? Any help for a pc duffer would be much appreciated.

    God bless gaffer tape and mastic!

  • #2
    Originally posted by whitehawk
    Why is it that 9 times out of 10 when i try to make or answer a post or pm, I get a message telling me i am not logged in, even when i am? Could it be down to my firewall settings? Any help for a pc duffer would be much appreciated.

    Try adding the forum as a trusted site and check your cookies.
    Open the forum and go to tools, internet options then select the security
    tab then sites and add the forum address. Then select the privacy tab and
    make sure the slider is set to medium.
    This seems to have solved the problems for others who have experienced
    these problems. Its to do with the cookie settings, if its not set right on
    your pc the forum can't read them and remember you user name & password
    so keeps asking you to log in again.
    Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

    My 4x4
    My choice
    Back off


    • #3
      Thx for the info, have checked my settings and all seems to be ok at the moment.

      God bless gaffer tape and mastic!

