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head damage

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  • head damage

    I've recently bought a '93 surf 2.4 td (last oct) and really love it. last friday on the motorway, it overheated and my surf has subsequently been diagnosed as being poorly in the head gasket department.
    Being squint and needing my truck for work immediately is a problem in terms of fixing.
    Also a problem is that when I recently had my cambelt changed, my mechanic told me that there were bolts missing in the head and that he thought it had been off probably more than once from what he could tell. So as I understand it, a simple head skim and new gasket probably isn't a long term answer.
    As much as I love my surf, being squint, I'm unable to spend much on it for repairs, but also am very limited in how I would like to improve it. Hence I think I'll cut my losses at this stage regrettably and remove myself from the surf market.
    My question to all of you dedicated surf owners is what to do with it now. Is there a market for a pretty tidy vehicle that needs engine attention or is breaking it and selling parts a better option....although that is far less preferred option....as I would feel like an unnecessary car wrecker!!

    any comments are very welcome
    thanks, breth

  • #2
    stick it on ebay or pay a fiver and advertise it on here.

    someone will buy it for the right price...

    or just shy of a grand for a new head fitted.

    BUT... is it less than 3 months since you bought it?... take it back to the dealer for warranty repair.
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


    • #3
      Originally posted by breth
      I've recently bought a '93 surf 2.4 td (last oct) and really love it. last friday on the motorway, it overheated and my surf has subsequently been diagnosed as being poorly in the head gasket department.
      Being squint and needing my truck for work immediately is a problem in terms of fixing.
      Also a problem is that when I recently had my cambelt changed, my mechanic told me that there were bolts missing in the head and that he thought it had been off probably more than once from what he could tell. So as I understand it, a simple head skim and new gasket probably isn't a long term answer.
      As much as I love my surf, being squint, I'm unable to spend much on it for repairs, but also am very limited in how I would like to improve it. Hence I think I'll cut my losses at this stage regrettably and remove myself from the surf market.
      My question to all of you dedicated surf owners is what to do with it now. Is there a market for a pretty tidy vehicle that needs engine attention or is breaking it and selling parts a better option....although that is far less preferred option....as I would feel like an unnecessary car wrecker!!

      any comments are very welcome
      thanks, breth
      Oh and if your “squint” I’d suggest a visit to the eye doctor or opticians to get your eyesight sorted out
      Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


      • #4
        Thats a shame matey Stevo could have you up and running again in no time for just over a grand. Lets face it if you buy something else you never know what your buying at least getting it fixed you'd be sorted for years.

        Can't you store it on the drive till you get your squint sorted.

        Cheers JB
        www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


        • #5
          haha....good call on getting to the eye doc....would sort the squint if i wasn't skint!!!!

          thanks to you guys for responding!!!!the dedication on this site is cool. i like you guys!!!

          decided i'm gonna sell...so will post in for sale section

          andy breth

