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sound recording

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  • #16
    Originally posted by dieselboy
    but i got a problem now,
    there is loads of static through the line in, and when we use the mic input the static is gone but the music is fuzzy. any ideas?

    check the leads for a fault. Just run them in your fingers as the music is playing. If it crackles - fcuked lead.

    If not then the outputs/inputs on the hardware could be at fault.

    ALSO make sure the 'clip' isnt coming up on the screen, If the input is too high it will distort to hell and back. Clip will either be a word saying... 'clip' or a little red light flashing when it gets crazy

    Loud isnt always best. Process the signal at a lower volume. dont overload anything - Volume is the speakers job!


    • #17
      Why don't you go to Maplin's,, they sell turn tables and tape decks that are USB so just plug and play.

      If you just want to plug something in thru your sound card then Windows Media player will do the job, Nero will also work as should the software for your sound card even if it's on-board



      • #18
        www.sourceforge.net find a programme called audacity, completely free and completely legal as it is opensource software, and you won't beat it even spending $$ on recording software. Plug-ins and add ons left right and centre to do most things with too, and they're all free aswell.
        =SOLD UP!=


        • #19
          Originally posted by RodLeach
          check the leads for a fault. Just run them in your fingers as the music is playing. If it crackles - fcuked lead.

          If not then the outputs/inputs on the hardware could be at fault.

          ALSO make sure the 'clip' isnt coming up on the screen, If the input is too high it will distort to hell and back. Clip will either be a word saying... 'clip' or a little red light flashing when it gets crazy

          Loud isnt always best. Process the signal at a lower volume. dont overload anything - Volume is the speakers job!

          thanks dude!"!!! the gain was up max on the mixer! lol it sounded like the cables wernt thick enough but i look at his mixer and go uhh???
          now i just got to learn how to mix and away i go!
          hopefully get him to do a sesh now hehe
          Oh Nana, what's my name?


          • #20
            and the noise if there's loads is most likely down to dodgy leads or a dodgy input socket on the PC. Although you always get some, it might help to fiddle with the output volume from the source if changing the leads doesn't help, if that's too low you have to amplify it on the P?C and that also means amplifying the nose, if it's too high you could get a bit of 'clipping' and lose sound that way.
            =SOLD UP!=


            • #21
              Originally posted by Artful_dodger
              Why don't you go to Maplin's,, they sell turn tables and tape decks that are USB so just plug and play.
              i dont know why but this makes me chuckle lol

              thanks you guys got it sorted
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #22
                Originally posted by dieselboy
                i dont know why but this makes me chuckle lol

                thanks you guys got it sorted
                ?did that software work??


                • #23
                  Originally posted by madcampbell
                  ?did that software work??
                  yea the audio recorder software did makes mp3s fine

                  im just sorting out the levels now
                  Oh Nana, what's my name?

