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Jeremy bl00dy Vine

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  • Jeremy bl00dy Vine

    Again, cretinous pseudo-scientist Mr Vine stirs up a hornets nest about energy saving light bulbs for the sake of listener figures!

    Just had to turn the radio off I was getting so wound up.

    1) Mr Vine, conventional 'filament' lamps are not 'causing climate change'

    2) Drama queen listener, the new lightbulbs do not 'cause skin cancer, schizophrenia of epileptic fits'. Just because there was one in the vicinity last time you had a fit does not mean it was the cause! Heard of Occams Razor? -You probably had a fit because you are an epileptic. Thats what you do!

    3) There is no 'huuuuuge amount of deadly UV' emitted from these bulbs. I know, I happen to have tested them for just that! Try staying out of the sun if you've got skin problems, its not 'the bulbs that were in the vicinity'

    4) Mrs Environment Minister, Halogen lamps are not quite as inefficient as conventional argon filament lamps, but they aint far off, and 'this amazing NEW LED technology to replace halogen lamps' is something over 40 years old you ignorant b*tch!

    God, never let the facts get in the way of hysteria eh? Anyone fancy emailing Jeremy and telling him he's an uneducated, ignorant opinionated t0sser AGAIN?
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    LED tube compared to gas (whatsit argon?)
    how much energy does an array of LEDs save over a tube of the same size filled with whatever gas they use to get white light?
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      Originally posted by dieselboy
      LED tube compared to gas (whatsit argon?)
      how much energy does an array of LEDs save over a tube of the same size filled with whatever gas they use to get white light?
      None. At current state of play, you need MORE wattage with LEDs to give the same amount of light as a fluorescent tube.

      I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!


      • #4
        Have you noticed the better the school the less likely the parents are to protest about phone masts nearby? Is it because parents who are intelligent enought to realise that their offspring need a good education are more likely to look at the facts, while the knuckle dragging, dole claiming parent is easily led by the campaigners?
        It's only a hobby!


        • #5
          Used to like his show, but now I find I can only tolerate hime for about 5 minutes!!!

          Cheers, Nick
          "The force will be with you, always!"


          • #6
            He's top of my 'Most hated people on TV' list.

            Alistair Stewart is in second place.


            • #7
              Originally posted by kitesurf_phil
              Have you noticed the better the school the less likely the parents are to protest about phone masts nearby? Is it because parents who are intelligent enought to realise that their offspring need a good education are more likely to look at the facts, while the knuckle dragging, dole claiming parent is easily led by the campaigners?
              I have field probes and field monitors here at work. Sorely tempted to go and analyse a local one that is always being campaigned against, and publish the results in the local paper.

              Irrefutable proof, the one thing the knuckledraggers hate.

              <edit> Interesting isn't it - the people who care most about having the latest bling 3G phone to match their huge hoop earrings and designer baseball cap are the same ones who spout the most 'no mast here' cr@p.

              Newsflash idiots! No mast, no 3g!
              Last edited by Apache; 9 January 2008, 17:20.
              Cutting steps in the roof of the world

