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Feel like a million

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  • Feel like a million

    Got my wee girl a car for her Birthday in Oct last year an old Nissan Micra 1987 for £300s.

    I spend the odd day's off and some evenings teaching her to drive. her test was booked for her 1141 this morning.

    This morning I took her out of school and gave her a final hours run around before the examiner met us in the carpark.

    I never booked lessons but decided to have a go at teaching her myself. We had many laughs along the way and some trials and tribulations but the experience has pulled us together and at 1230hrs she got out of her wee car with her pass certificate.

    I'm made up that father and daughter were able to achieve this apart from not having to pay for a driving instructor. It has brought us so much closer together.

    I got Mrs H to pick me up from the car park and let my wee lass drive herself off to school.

    Now I can get a lift home from the pub.
    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

  • #2
    thats brilliant mate! congratulations for you and your daughter
    its quite an acheivement that you have managed this without an instructor at all
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      well done mate i taught my brother in law to drive as i got fed up taking him everywhere and he passed first time as well all have to do is fix it when it breaks
      cheers shaun


      • #4
        Congratulations on gaining a taxi service. BTW your PM box is full, so in reply to your message, cheers mate see you Wednesday 13th of February
        Hold my beer and watch this


        • #5
          Thats grate mate, give her my congrats dude. Hey and just think she can drive your truck now.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Mitsy
            Thats grate mate, give her my congrats dude. Hey and just think she can drive your truck now.
            According to the insurance company not till she's would you believe 25 years old Thanks for the replies Jason see you in Feb mate off to empty my mail box.
            www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


            • #7
              That is a hell of a achivement.... my other half has spent a small fortune on over priced lessons so far...
              Well done to you both


              • #8

                I'm suprised the Hilux is on the "over 25" list... my mrs is insured on mine and she is 24!
                More Lift.
                More Tyres.
                More Engine.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Karma Supra

                  I'm suprised the Hilux is on the "over 25" list... my mrs is insured on mine and she is 24!

                  depends on insurance company.

                  Ive been driving one since i was 17.

                  An Highlander - Seriously awesome achievement!! The system is soo hard nowadays, everything has to be done spot on or its a fail, the amount of times you have to look in your mirror is ungodly!!

                  so congrats to you and your daughter will realise how bl**dy awesome it is to have the freedom to go anywhere... especially with Micras MPG figures... lucky g!t


                  • #10
                    Well done .....both of you .
                    What a proud moment that must have been and that satifaction that you did sutch a good job an something thats so hard to do.


                    • #11
                      Don't go telling people they can do it themselves, i'll be qualified in 3 months and every bugger will be doing it DIY, that'd be just my luck

                      Nice one though, even with all the teaching material and stuff i've got, and the in car practice i've done so far i wouldn't bet on being able to get someone through their test yet.
                      =SOLD UP!=


                      • #12
                        Thats an absolutely brilliant achievement !Well done and many congratulations !

                        now send me your address and by return will send a 20 yr old hopefull (Useless) Son for your expert tutoring ! the cheque is in the post !
                        Death rides a Black Horse


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by John h
                          Thats an absolutely brilliant achievement !Well done and many congratulations !

                          now send me your address and by return will send a 20 yr old hopefull (Useless) Son for your expert tutoring ! the cheque is in the post !
                          I'd love to help no fee required. I am still buzzing but like any father had my nose pressed to the front window watching for her coming home from School.

                          Cheers Folk. JB
                          She's now off to youth club and I bet the butterflies won't stop till she's back safe and sound.

                          Everyone thanks for your coments Miss H says thanks too.

                          I think driving instructor would be a thing I'd like to try after retirement.

                          There's a lot to it and I was perhaps too critical of her from the start but think it's the only way.

                          I couldn't sleep a wink last night and the night before Mrs H woke me up apparently I was mumbling BBC Brake before clutch now. PSL and MSM to my daughter in my sleep.
                          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

