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another step closer to the grave for squeaky

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  • another step closer to the grave for squeaky

    Well on the way into work this morning and while going down a road, which has stupid chicanes and bumps. I was met by some idiot coming the other way in her Discovery too far over into my side of the road. Now I've been up and down this road more times than I can remember and the section we met has one of these large plant area sticking out as part of the traffic calming. The thing is if you're more intelligent than a duck you'll realise that you can still fit two cars past each other. The lady in the discovery was however not smarter than a duck and was too far over. This caused me to swerve out of her way clipping the back end of squeaky on the large-sticking-out-plant-thingy, making an already dented area look worse and bursting the rear passenger side tyre. So I spent a while in the pouring rain changing the wheel while the Discovery carried on.
    Still only a few more weeks until the end of the road for Squeaky, looking at either 26th or 27th of Jan for an off-road trip in a peugeot 405. Want to put another 800 miles on the clock to so I can reach the grand total of 130,000 miles.
    Hold my beer and watch this

  • #2
    lol drive it to the lanes round here / dorking one weekend.. do you think you will make it down that hill? hehe

    i hate people like that woman in the discovery. it would of been more worth your while driving into her. she would learn a lesson may be.
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      Originally posted by dieselboy
      lol drive it to the lanes round here / dorking one weekend.. do you think you will make it down that hill? hehe

      i hate people like that woman in the discovery. it would of been more worth your while driving into her. she would learn a lesson may be.
      he he that hill would be great. Although with the ground clearance on the squeaky it'd be laying on it's underside and tnot the wheels. It would be like going down a tabogan lol
      Hold my beer and watch this

