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Happy Christmas from Warwichshire police.

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  • Happy Christmas from Warwichshire police.

    Got camered this morning by a mobile camera. Copper on a bike gunned me.

    Well the next 14 days are going to be fun.

    Tequilla - breakfast of heros.

  • #2
    how did you manage to get your 2.4 to go that fast!!

    there is no point worrying until the letter comes through mate.
    how fast were you going? and in what zone?

    all the times ive seen these mobile police cams, ive always slowed down to work out what they were doing. lol im nosey sometimes
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      It was the good old 30mph zone. Have travelled along this road for the last 12 months and never seen a camera there. Typically you need to slow right down as there is a newsagents on the one side of the road that people stop at. Where the copper was today you would usually be travelling at about 15 to 20. Today though very little traffic at all. Two on coming cars flashed me to let me go past them (so i thought) but were probably giving me the heads up about the copper. Breaked when i clocked him so I am hoping I dropped it down to about 30ish went past him doing 20mph. pretty sure he got me though as he was firing the gun at my plate as well.

      Its a fair cop i was over the speed limit and am hoping its just the 60 holes and the 3 points. My license is clean at the moment.

      Seems pointless trying to argue that there was no warning signs, or he was hiding it always comes down to the fact that it's their word against mine.

      What rattles me is that no more than a mile up the road there was a police van driving up the dual carrage way doing over 60mph in a 50mph.

      i know this as having just been camered i was driving like a priest.
      Last edited by Muddy Boots; 8 January 2008, 11:56.
      Tequilla - breakfast of heros.


      • #4
        i think the fire the gun at the plate because thats the most reflective part of the car :/
        wouldnt worry too much, i dont think them things are that accuarate anyway
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #5
          You MIGHT be offered a speed awareness course . i was got back in august doing 38 in a 30 , Some countys are now doing a speed a wareness course that they offer to first offenders . It costs £60 and a half day of your time and is offered as a choice when you get the 'you have been a naughty boy letter' and NO points .
          I hope that you are in one of the counties that offer this .


          • #6
            What gives you the idea you'll receive a response in 14 days. I got zapped with the hand gun and got a court summons 7 months later.


            • #7
              If you were summonsed 7 months later this will be thrown out. They have to serve a NIP within 2 weeks or it's finished for them.


              • #8
                Originally posted by Woodzie
                You MIGHT be offered a speed awareness course . i was got back in august doing 38 in a 30 , Some countys are now doing a speed a wareness course that they offer to first offenders . It costs £60 and a half day of your time and is offered as a choice when you get the 'you have been a naughty boy letter' and NO points .
                I hope that you are in one of the counties that offer this .
                Hope so mate. I don't see it as an easy option compared to the points but perhaps my driving approach could do with a bit of a rethink. I gotta say its probably better since I had the truck but in all fairness I'm not the most patient driver on the road.
                Tequilla - breakfast of heros.


                • #9
                  Hi mate if they were standing on the roadside with a hand held you would have been pulled over. The fact you didn't get a ticket at the roadside means you will be ok.

                  Cheers JB
                  www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

