Just got back from the west coast of Ireland. Loaded on the way up from london via Holyhead. It drank just under a tank to Holyhead and another half across Ireland. This was my first time across in the surf and I kept it at a steady 65 only going faster to overtake. It was the most pleasurable drive I have ever had. If I take the Vivaro or clio I normaly floor it, get there quick but Knackered. This time I stuck in lane 1 and didnt have to concentrate so much thus arriving fresh as a daisey.( am I getting old?) The only problem I have now is that Ive left the surf there to use. As a newbie to manual 4x4, it came as a baptism of fire when on Thursday we found ourselves snowed in. Pressed the button, light came on and with a clunk I was in 4 wheel drive and passing stranded cars and lorries on country roads. Now Im getting withdrawal symtoms looking at an empty drive
I will have to talk the wife into letting me get another one for here.