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F***ing traffic wardens..

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  • #31
    just on a side note......
    we pick up cars for east london parkin,ie traffic wardens and they now take cars away


    • #32
      Just send them this, suitably amended where necessary:

      Penalty Charge Notice:
      Date of Notice:

      Dear Sir or Madam,

      With reference to the above Penalty Charge Notice and your demand for payment, I would refer you to two clauses of The English Bill of Rights, 1689.

      Clause 10 states:
      That excessive bail ought not to be required, nor excessive fines imposed, nor cruel and unusual punishments inflicted.

      Clause 12 states:
      That all grants and promises of fines and forfeitures of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void.

      With respect to Clause 10 I would suggest that a penalty charge of £100 (or even £50) is excessive and therefore illegal under the terms of The Bill.

      With respect to Clause 12 I would advise you that your request for payment without a conviction is illegal and void. Such a request is little more than an attempt to gain money by bullying and, unless you wish to take me to court to obtain the aforementioned penalty charge, I shall not be paying it.

      Furthermore, I would advise you that if you do start court proceedings against me to obtain said charge I will not be liable to pay court costs as the sole purpose of the court proceedings would be to obtain the aforementioned charge.

      I demand a reply within 7 days of the date of this letter advising me that you are dropping this case, however, if I do not hear from you after this period has passed I will take it as read that you have dropped any and all charges against me.

      I wrote it for two of my mates who got parking tickets; neither of them ever heard anything again. Note that the last paragraph is very important; we are the only country in the world where implied consent is legal - use it to your advantage.
      Last edited by MadcapMagician; 7 January 2008, 14:00.


      • #33
        Originally posted by MadcapMagician
        Just send them this, suitably amended where necessary:

        I wrote it for two of my mates who got parking tickets; neither of them ever heard anything again. Note that the last paragraph is very important; we are the only country in the world where implied consent is legal - use it to your advantage.

        letter sounds good mate. i know nothing of these old clauses and laws that still apply.
        it is out of order how if you contest it with them and they go, sorry no, and you still feel you shouldnt pay, they then just send bailiffs.
        your letter would cover you on this
        must keep this for future!
        Oh Nana, what's my name?


        • #34
          Clause 12 is the important one; basically, ALL fixed penalty notices are illegal, null and void. The law is quite clear: you CANNOT be fined unless you have been tried and convicted in court.


          • #35
            Originally posted by MadcapMagician
            Clause 12 is the important one; basically, ALL fixed penalty notices are illegal, null and void. The law is quite clear: you CANNOT be fined unless you have been tried and convicted in court.
            we have had quite a few parking fines, and each time we try to get them to resolve it with us in court (so both sides of the story can be heard) they refuse, and pass it on to bailiffs.

            if i had known this before hand it would have saved a lot of stress.

            but they do take pictures of cars that get tickets now. photo evidence is enough to convict right?
            Oh Nana, what's my name?


            • #36
              does Clause 12 work for everything like fines for window tints and other stuff then??


              • #37
                I'll say it again: you CANNOT be fined unless you have been tried and convicted in court. Full stop, end of. If you get given a fixed penalty charge by a cop in the street, take it home then send that letter - don't argue the point with the cop.

                You used to be able to get round speed camera fines with this one but now you get a Notice of Intended Prosecution instead of a fixed penalty charge; there are, of course, ways round that as well, assuming the photo was taken from the rear of your vehicle and the driver's face is not visible.....


                • #38
                  this law is only in england right?
                  Oh Nana, what's my name?


                  • #39
                    As far as I know, yes; it's the English Bill of Rights.

                    Originally posted by dieselboy
                    but they do take pictures of cars that get tickets now. photo evidence is enough to convict right?
                    Yes, but a fixed penalty charge is NOT a conviction - it's a fine levied without any legal right.

                    If you get taken to court, the photo can be used as evidence against you and if you lose your case, then you can be fined....but you CAN'T be fined unless you've been convicted....and you CAN'T be fined just because there's a photo of you breaking the law - the case still needs to go to court in order to convict you.
                    Last edited by MadcapMagician; 7 January 2008, 16:11.


                    • #40
                      That's an invoice and totally unenforceable. Would you pay me £60 if I sent you one? Do not pay these scammers. They will threaten you but go away in the end.
                      Tell them to serve it on the driver, you are under no obligation to tell them who it is.
                      Further more, tell them not to bother you again and remind them that only Police or Local Authorities can issue penalty charge notices.

                      Ignore them and they will go away. They have never taken anyone to court for failure to pay one of these invoices.

                      Check with Peepipoo, like I advised previously.


                      • #41
                        A mate of mine got a ticked even though he had paid parking.... he went to local council office to complain, got it refunded, and walked out to see a traffic warden about to ticket his car.....

                        He knocked him out in one punch
                        More Lift.
                        More Tyres.
                        More Engine.


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Karma Supra
                          He knocked him out in one punch
                          thats serious assault mate. if i tried anything like that im sure to be arrested
                          Oh Nana, what's my name?


                          • #43
                            2In november last year i stopped half on a bus stop "

                            why did you stop in a bus stop?

                            as well as writing all these letter to the people trying to enforce the fine you migh want to reconsier posting admissions of guilt on public forums!!!!!


                            • #44
                              He was lol, had to go to court.....

                              Worth it though
                              More Lift.
                              More Tyres.
                              More Engine.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by fergus
                                2In november last year i stopped half on a bus stop "

                                why did you stop in a bus stop?

                                as well as writing all these letter to the people trying to enforce the fine you migh want to reconsier posting admissions of guilt on public forums!!!!!
                                is bus driver not good enough any more?
                                Oh Nana, what's my name?

