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Rant tesco's garages

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  • Rant tesco's garages

    Who knows about forecourt fuel pumps and credit card payment.

    My local tescos garage was not very busy, I pull up insert credit card and "card accepted begin fueling" message appeared. except no fuel pump sitting there.. i wait and wait.. wait 5 min still nothing, I went in to garage to inquire from a very rude female member of staff busy chatting to mate on the phone...another assistant comes out ..he was ok and polite and went with me to the pump.

    Second attempt insert same credit card....card refused ?? (used this card 10 min later to pay for groceries all ok)

    tried another credit card.... card accepted fueling begins..

    My questions.... i know after the card has being accepted the staff have to press a 'go' button on their control panel before the pump kicks into life but can they remotely cancel or reject a card or generally #### me around remotely

    Back in the day Baby

  • #2
    You aint the first, i have a card that dont work the pumps but i can shop instore.
    Without Surf And Unhappy


    • #3
      The Tesco one where I live is fcuked up totally. I can use the same pump on different days and not get served when I did previously. I have had cards declared invalid and then used it when I have walked in to pay. I have had it held for minutes on end by the machine not cancelled after acceptance though. I reckon the till operators are having a game as I constantly ruck them about this.


      • #4
        if they dont press go,u just sit there it shuts down,then try again and card refuses causes its still in last transaction


        • #5
          i think they are fcuking me about..... its a game... they watch on forecourt CCTV as the customer gets ####ed off at the pump and then as the customer walks away they hit the go button.... our security staff at work play this game on vehicluar access they think its funny...

          Back in the day Baby


          • #6
            Suggest to their manager that they are screwing around and threaten to buy diesel elsewhere and suggest to your friends and colleagues that they do likewise. That might focus their minds.
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              A phone call to Tesco's uk hq is on the cards...

              Back in the day Baby


              • #8
                Originally posted by Vultch
                on the cards...
                Was that a pun....


                • #9
                  did not spot that....

                  Back in the day Baby


                  • #10

                    Dunno if it's in all Tesco's but there's an automated system now - fueling can't start until the system has succesfully scanned your registration plate which can take a while.

                    As for the credit cards, it's an attempt to reduce credit card fraud - the Pay at Pump system will only allow an individual card to be used once in any single time period (Dunno how long the period is though). What makes it worse is that you don't even have to fuel your car - if you insert the card then that's it ! I found this out when I tried to fill up before a bank of pumps were in use - I moved to the 24hr pumps and it wouldn't play at all.

                    The geezer that was just opening up explained it to me - and then refused to serve me through the kiosk as it wasn't 06:00 yet !

                    Notwithstanding the foregoing you should all be aware that Tesco ARE out to get you .......

                    Life is too important to take seriously !


                    • #11
                      Thanks... phone call cancelled.. perhaps their number plate re cog system took a while...

                      Back in the day Baby


                      • #12

                        No - just cos there's a reason doesn't mean you shouldn't complain - Tesco are trying to take over the world and we should all have a pop at them as often as possible !!!!!

                        Life is too important to take seriously !

