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A sore head

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  • A sore head

    this is what happens when you don't have your truck jacked up and on axel stands properly.
    this is a pic of my mates dad when his l/rover they were working on wasn't chocked or on axel stands properly and the hi-lift jack came out and 7 stitches later as well as a bad cut on his hand also.
    so make sure your trucks are jacked up properly and use the chocks if you have them and use axel stands as this could of been alot worse than it was

  • #2
    Don't use a hi-lift while you're working on your car, that's not what they're dsigned for!!
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #3
      But what do you expect from a Bland Rover driver?
      Nil illegitimi carborundum


      • #4
        Anyone getting under a truck using a hi lift jack is asking for trouble - way too unstable.

        Maybe they should have had a look inside his head when split open to check for a brain!
        Another member of the 'A' team


        • #5
          Originally posted by The Lovely Boyo
          Anyone getting under a truck using a hi lift jack is asking for trouble - way too unstable.

          Maybe they should have had a look inside his head when split open to check for a brain!
          I refer the right honourable gentleman to the reply I gave earlier!
          Nil illegitimi carborundum


          • #6
            my sisters car fell off a scissor jack onto my mate when we were trying to nick petrol out it!

            not a green oval... but an AUSTIN MAESTRO!!
            nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

