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Happy new year.

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  • Happy new year.

    Ok i will be the first then. Happy new year to you all and thanks again for all the help and advise i have had from this forum. Better say it now as i will prob be bladdered later. . Have fun tonight and i will look forward to more posting in the new year.

  • #2
    Yeah, have a good un.

    We're supposed to be going to our local Indian (surprise surprise!) from 9pm onwards...

    Right now, i'm in my fave place - shed with all me toys - so cant really be a$$ed, but I'm sure I'll be able to get myself motivated later...

    What's everyone else doing?
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #3
      have a good one everyone!
      We'll be in Essex somewhere or at mates in Brighton... will decide last min I imagine.
      Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


      • #4
        Originally posted by Apache
        Yeah, have a good un.

        We're supposed to be going to our local Indian (surprise surprise!) from 9pm onwards...

        Right now, i'm in my fave place - shed with all me toys - so cant really be a$$ed, but I'm sure I'll be able to get myself motivated later...

        What's everyone else doing?

        Errm..how about .....on the computer answering this post
        Happy new year all, tuned into a local radio station in Adelade and shared the celebrations with a mate at lunchtime....odd innit it's 2008 in Aus and if I phoned him I would be talking in the future.......(think I need to go and sit down somewhere quiet)
        Did I mention I have a BLUE one


        • #5
          Going out at around 6.30. Just staying local and this year I've promised Laura I'll be good. Last year we ended up at a mates house and I drank 3 tumblers of neat Southern Comfort on top of beer and champagne. I spewed from 04.30 on New years day until 01.00 on the 2nd of January. First time I'd been ill with the drink at new year for about 25 years!

          Tonight I'm gonna be Captain Sensible (I hope, I'm easily lead)!

          HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!

          'Tis better to sting than to be stung!


          • #6
            Staying in and being boring ..........But you all have fun


            • #7
              Hard at work in an alcohol free environment, but I hope those of you who are not manage to have a bit of fun without getting silly drunk.

              Сви можемо


              • #8
                im gonna be sat on the puter waiting for apache to post some fat fingered foughts
                Non intercooled nothing.


                • #9
                  Cheers then!
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    It's 2am here now and I'm going to bed. Had a pretty quiet night. Things are quiet all around here with most fireworks and other things cancelled due to a rather large low pressure system 400Ks off the coast causing a bit of havoc. Very strong winds and some heavy rain battering most of the southern Qld coast.



                    • #11
                      happy New Year Everyone, Hope You All Have A Good One


                      • #12
                        Happy new year everyone, we will be staying in, cant get a sitter.
                        Good health ya all


                        • #13
                          Going to a house party next door, nothing else.

                          Happy New Year One And All.

                          Let's hope 2008 is a good un.
                          Another member of the 'A' team


                          • #14
                            Happy New Year to you all.

                            Posting this now as we are off to a mates to get abs Pirate Stormed.

                            Best wishes for 2008.
                            How can I be lost when I've got no where to go


                            • #15
                              happy new year to everyone +a prosperous @ troublefree 2008
                              will be staying in tonight

                              but i got loads of magners to drink up before next year
                              Only Toyota can get you out of shite

