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WOW - Lightening wipes out part of Porthcawl

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  • WOW - Lightening wipes out part of Porthcawl

    The part I live in!

    Massive storm rolled in off the sea and within about 2 minutes the most massive lightening strike I have ever seen wiped us off the grid.

    Bl00dy huge! The thunder was totally instant and LOUD.

    Everything went - and an hour later we were still absentmindedly putting 'on' lights.

    Mobile phones are still down.

    Four candles anyone?
    Another member of the 'A' team

  • #2
    sounds like your in for a thundery night


    • #3
      You been lighting your farts again Andrew????
      Too old to care, young enough to remember


      • #4
        we had it bad here during the night with the hail storms and causing god knows how many car alarms to go off during the night and the wind was awful,the worst i've heard it for a while


        • #5
          As usual we got nothing

          Bright and sunny here this morning though, if a little windy. Off out for a walk in a bit.
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #6
            Originally posted by stormforce
            we had it bad here during the night with the hail storms and causing god knows how many car alarms to go off during the night and the wind was awful,the worst i've heard it for a while
            we didnt have it that bad here which is unusual for roche, we had some rain n some wind but we normally have worse. hell we even have fog n mist in summer here at times, might have something to do with we on same level as bodmin moor? n can see south coast n north coast so might have something to do with the altitude or something but apart from that it was quite quiet here to what it can be normally


            • #7
              Originally posted by sledge
              sounds like your in for a thundery night

              Sledge - you can predict the future!!!!!!!!

              I did indeed suffer a thundery night - 4 bottles of real ale including Ruddles Rhubarb - one of the finest I have ever tasted - enough to get any one going.
              Another member of the 'A' team


              • #8
                ah but was it you that was making the thunder from down under!!!!!!!!

