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Wheels Black?

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  • #16
    I'm putting the same black wheels on my surf, my truck is black though. still looks good on red or wine, or whatever colour your is . JK
    私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


    • #17
      cant say i like that,you should of left the rim polished and blacked the centres.


      • #18
        Originally posted by The Lang-Shankit Scunner
        Just want your opinions on whether this looks ok, i think its great but as usual my taste can let me doon

        They look really smart Carl, although I would have polished the rims to give the illusion of bigger wheels.


        • #19
          Carl as i keep saying your a big poser now stop it your showing me up I am not jealous.


          Good Job mate.

          www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


          • #20
            Mate, black rims are the dogz, whatever the colour of your truck! Take no notice of the nay-sayers, they're just jealous!

            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #21
              [quote=Apache]Mate, black rims are the dogz, whatever the colour of your truck! Take no notice of the nay-sayers, they're just jealous!

              looking good !!!!!

              sets of that light bar real nice mate!!

              btw the n is 10 mm

              cheers andy
              Non intercooled nothing.


              • #22
                Well, you know what they say - once you've had black.............
                Too old to care, young enough to remember


                • #23
                  Originally posted by MudSurfer
                  Well, you know what they say - once you've had black.............

                  You'll prefer milk and sugar?


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                    You'll prefer milk and sugar?
                    Nah - you need to buy some Swafega.......
                    Too old to care, young enough to remember


                    • #25
                      I thought you where going to fit some big wheels & tyres to your truck?

                      Whatever size those are, they look tiny being black
                      Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


                      • #26
                        Yes it was just a sand and paint, i used hammered black hammerite cos it looks metallic and covers a heavy coat and looking at my chassis is tough paint too £6.99 a can.

                        Getting alot nice comments from strangers, and ooh the wheels are steel originals Joker??

                        Amazing its a landslide for black, probably 15 - 4 or summit, cant be arsed checkin. Thankyou for your opinions, and highlander, i havent seen your truck it could be better than mine.

                        Phew, i think i have answered all those, oh and the black centres silver rims....... Nah i hated that.
                        Without Surf And Unhappy


                        • #27
                          Even though you seem to be a bit of a shiny girl, the black wheels mark you out as 'one of us', an 'in the know' hardcore offroad animal
                          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                          • #28
                            Im quite happy to get down and dirty, but its not just mud that gets on her up here, if it was id leave it, the salting up here is horrendous, and i dont want her rottin, in the wet summer expect to see a truck left muddy .

                            Glad to know i can be distinguished, Oh and i think the stickers will help too, im placing mine at the back under the rear side windows, behind back wheels.
                            Without Surf And Unhappy

