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Mine's soooo small!

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  • Mine's soooo small!

    Right - Thought a pi$$ taking thread title would get some attention!

    I always used to look at my truck an be like "yeaaah its huuge" with its slighty oversized tyres an 2" lift - but now i cant help but think "Bless it, Its tiny"

    Im kinda pi$$ed at myself for not sorting out all the lift parts sooner! The money for the BFGs is burning a hole in my pocket (but im proud ive not spend any of it - yet )

    An Tomorrow im going to be opening my new wheels, It wouldve been awesome to take them down an get them fitted with new tyres early into the next year - Now i just gotta play that waiting game!

    damn having a angled drive way!! Anyone who has space to work on something is a lucky barsteward!!

  • #2
    Take your truck and all your accumulated parts down Halfords carpark and fit them there, that way if you need any special tools you could just pop in the store and buy it. Get some of the monkeys to give you a hand.


    • #3
      Originally posted by RodLeach
      Right - Thought a agony aunt thread would get some attention!

      I always used to look in my pants an be like "yeaaah its huuge" afterall its 2" when lifted - but now i cant help but think "Bless it, Its tiny"

      I actually pi$$ed myself when i got an email offering free penis enlargements! The money for the surgery is burning a hole in my pocket (but im proud ive not spend any of it - yet )

      But yesterday i got an email offering me a solution without surgery, It would be awesome to take some tablets an get twice the length and girth by the new year, but i'm sceptical as to whether it would work!

      Has anyone else suffered this problem or tried this remedy? Anyone who doesn't need to go through this is a lucky barsteward!!
      Dude, i'm sorry to hear it mate, but at least it's out in the open now. It's not your fault and you got nothing to be embarassed about (literally :snigger: :snigger. I'm afraid i haven't gone through the same experience, but whichever route you decide to take, best wishes dude, i hope you get the desired results.
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        I didnt think about using a Carpark

        An Nero - Im glad i made the steps to admit mines small!

        Perhaps one day you too will feel the same!!

        Its fine up untill someone puts theres near yours an then ... well! You get disapointed y'know!

        Were talkin trucks here right?!

        EDIT: Ahh fluck!! NERO you schite! I didnt read my new quote!


        • #5

          Classic !

          Nice one Nero - a brilliant start to the day

          Life is too important to take seriously !


          • #6
            I know how you feel, I get sniggers and comments sometimes about mine not being big enough. It really makes you feel inadequate sometimes. But at least I can say that mine is the way nature intended it, and that I don't need anything to make mine bigger. As it's a case of not how big it is, but how you use it.

            By the way, despite all the innuendo I was talking about surfs. You dirty bu66ers
            Hold my beer and watch this


            • #7
              Originally posted by captain_chaos
              I know how you feel, I get sniggers and comments sometimes about mine not being big enough. It really makes you feel inadequate sometimes. But at least I can say that mine is the way nature intended it, and that I don't need anything to make mine bigger. As it's a case of not how big it is, but how you use it.

              By the way, despite all the innuendo I was talking about surfs. You dirty bu66ers
              yeah yeah we believe you not


              • #8
                Rod, I dont even have a drive! The majority of my mods have been done whilst lying in the road with traffic whizzing past my ankles!

                Stop being a girl and get on with it!
                Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Apache
                  Rod, I dont even have a drive! The majority of my mods have been done whilst lying in the road with traffic whizzing past my ankles!

                  Stop being a girl and get on with it!


                  I spose when you put it like that!!

                  I guess i could do the body lift on my drive?!?


                  • #10
                    I did mine out in the road on my own.... go do it!
                    Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                    • #11
                      Mine may be small........ but its a 3.OLTR


                      • #12
                        Not just a 3.0ltr Mick - a 3.0ltr with a nice sound system right?!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by RodLeach
                          Not just a 3.0ltr Mick - a 3.0ltr with a nice sound system right?!

                          Yeah right, and its black..........

                          Its all up and running now and sounds great. Got the rear speakers in the other night.Did the left hand one with my torch which ran out by the time i went to do the left so had to do it Stevie wonder stylie, by memory!
                          Just as well i didn't get the local ice dealer to remove the old one. I played around with 2 junior hacksaw blades for ages with no joy. Stripped down the dash to find it bolted in and the new one had bolt holes in the same place,touch. Had it fitted in 2 minutes.


                          • #14
                            Just dont think about it. I did fine in our estate's communal parking area with the surf on a side angle, U just gota go carefull with the jack thats all, and keep ur eye on it. The one i have been doing at my mum is on here angled drive. I had a bit of 12mm ply, with 6 bricks stacked up 2 wide making 3 deep with my bottle jack on that, as long as u keep a close eye on it all, ull be fine m8.

