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Rescue GSD

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  • Rescue GSD

    before i continue and start crying, just let me warn you i am pirate sotrming it up tonight....while operating my cab compoany, so a few people may not get home on time tonight!!!

    anyway, as you dog owners here may be aware i lost my (well my sisters, but by the time passed he became mi9ne) i lost my MAX earlier this yrear (pt down due to illnes suddeenden s illness) and am thinking about getting another rescue german shepherd. (GSD)

    point being,my question to you dofg owners is this...how easy to adapt to new dog after loving another so much?

    i don't want to get another one and it not live up to Max's legenedary ds status and me not love it the same way. sounds silly to none dog owners i knoew, but those that have dogs will understand.
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...

  • #2
    honestly mate,u wont ever forget her,but every dog is diffrent,u will love it,but u wont forget yr last,u will be fine,if that makes sense


    • #3
      Don't try to "replace" an old friend.
      Every dog has a different temprement as do we.
      A dog will show it's owner the love it's owner shows him/her.
      Don't expect the same reactions from a different dog.
      As long as you don't look at your new mate as you did your last, you and he/ she will get on fine.
      Them and us are individuals.
      Good luck dude.


      • #4
        dave dont dwell on the dog you lost go and rehome a gsd and start afresh ,
        have lost a couple of dogs in the past a bulldog bitch in particular we lost recently a very intelligent dog we would have more than likely took her to discover dogs @ crufts and done obediance shows with her,
        when she died we got offered a bulldog dog a complete opposite of her thick as shoite but we wouldn't part with him for the world
        just go and get one dave it will save him /her from being locked in a pen allday you know it makes sense
        Only Toyota can get you out of shite


        • #5
          im sure your dog as daft as it sounds would want you to get another, all dogs are different in style n temperment. when our lucky got put down just before xmas last year we still havent forgotten her n never will.
          we tried just recently with a springer n had to get rid of him for babys sake n even him we havent forgotten him either.
          16 years ago i had a german shepard called askari had to have him put down also n i have never forgotten him n he was my best friend n co worker/partner in security.
          wish i could afford another dog as they dont care if you got problems or not they love you indefinate for you being you, n they can be better than human friends as they dont expect anything n are loyal to you.
          think of only the good times you had together m8, n if you can get another as soon as possible for you when your ready.
          i would love another german shepard or even wanted a malamute but alas i cant so i have to keep my memories as they will never go.


          • #6
            cheers guys... i think i'll be rescuing another GSD in the new year. they're great companions and will walk for miles just for the sake of passing time whoich is what i really miss. Max would just go and go anf go and no matter how tired we both got, get back home AND HE stille wanted to play.

            i know i can't replace him but i'll definatelyu go for another rescue GSD as there is loads of mistreated GSD's out there needing the love and affection this amazing t breedsdsds neds!

            thanks guys! merry christmnaas i lovgbe you all!
            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


            • #7
              Hi mate
              we lost our dog this summer due to a horrible accident (she was struck down by a car) my wife and son were there and saw it happened, truly it was horrible.
              On the positive side, we recently aquired a new pup and the reason i bought my surf. the process of finding a breeder, going to look at the dog before it was ready to leave its litter, buying new dog stuff, etc. all helped in the greaving process. we havent forgoten our last dog and our new dog isint a replacement for the old one. what i believe it does , it replace the silence/ emptiness that a house has without a dog.
              i suggest you treat your new dog as an individual and not burden it with expectations it cant fulfill. hold on to the memories of your old dog, and express your affection to the new lucky dog.

              I hope this makes sense.

              best of luck......
              私のホバークラフト は鰻が一杯です。


              • #8
                I feel this must be my specialty subject, I give up a dog every year after raising and training it from 6 weeks to 14 months. You never replace them, you must always remember that you are taking on another dog, people always ask me how i deal with giving them up, it's easy I simply sit down and cry my eyes out.

                When i start with a new pup i never compare and as with your children I never have a favorite.

                So the answer to your question is go and find another special dog, train him or her to your ways love it to bits and enjoy.

                I wish you all the best and let me know when you have the next one.

                Tony and pup Chloe


                • #9
                  Originally posted by tonytom
                  I feel this must be my specialty subject, I give up a dog every year after raising and training it from 6 weeks to 14 months. You never replace them, you must always remember that you are taking on another dog, people always ask me how i deal with giving them up, it's easy I simply sit down and cry my eyes out.

                  When i start with a new pup i never compare and as with your children I never have a favorite.

                  So the answer to your question is go and find another special dog, train him or her to your ways love it to bits and enjoy.

                  I wish you all the best and let me know when you have the next one.

                  Tony and pup Chloe
                  u any good at training jack russel's?lol mine is a nutter


                  • #10
                    When I lost my last dog, Toby, ( a flat coat retriever) I was devastated, and it's taken me ten years to come round to get another.
                    Now I have Harley, and although it took a while, he's now my best friend, and I wouldn't be without him.
                    He's a totally different personalty to Toby, but as said before, every dog is different, just like us.
                    Get another one, save him/her from from the kennels or worse and he/she will devote their life to you, and ask little in exchange.


                    Still working for the man!

