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someones robbed me stereo

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  • someones robbed me stereo

  • #2
    Sod that mate, someone's had your ciggie lighter!


    • #3
      I would be more worried about the flux capacitor, there a bugger to find a replacement and cost Pluto to get a new one.
      Say not always what you know, but always know what you say.

      My 4x4
      My choice
      Back off


      • #4
        Looks like someone is doing a heater matrix.

        4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


        • #5
          Originally posted by cataclysm
          Sod that mate, someone's had your ciggie lighter! :pmsl:
          lol you wouldnt believe it but its what i started off doing, finished work for xmas hols kids were in school missus was at work so i thought ill fix me ciggy lighter cause ive got a little heater hard wired to it and i was gonna fit another, got the dash into bits and thought f0ok it ill take me matrix out while im at it, so i took matrix out and put it back together, gonna leave matrix with radiator repairer see if i can get it back over hols and fit it.


          • #6
            Your dash is in that state and you're worried about which tyres to buy???


            • #7
              Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
              Your dash is in that state and you're worried about which tyres to buy???
              nah dash is all back together, although my truck does look like on of them abandoned cars from the other thread, its gonna be an on going project for the forseeable future lol


              • #8
                and how many screws are left over?
                i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                • #9
                  lol all went back honest

