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Currys vs Commet.

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  • Currys vs Commet.

    Unreal how can you have such a different experience in two similar shops.

    Let me expalin.

    Just been to my local retail park to buy the Mrs an Ipod Touch. Both shops sells said Touch for £200.

    First Currys.

    Walked in looked around for 5 minutes and could'nt find them so I asked a sales assistant.

    So he directs me to the wrong isle and continues excurvating the contents of his nose.

    Ok so I will ask at "The Help Desk".
    The reply;

    "Yes we sell them, you get this and this and this with it and you can take out cover for this much and have this for it for half price blah blah blah."

    "Ok so where are they then?"

    "We have sold out."

    So having wasted 15 minutes walked across the road to Commet.

    Within a minute of entering the shop found where they were on sale. One minute later a sales assistant walks over tells me they will check stock of the item and the assessories if I am interested. Advises me of the promotion that goes with them. Walks over to the till opens it, takes payment for the transaction wishes me a merry christmas and away we go.

    I actually commented in Commet shop to the sales assistant saying what a bunch of b.llock jugglers Curries were and she said, "Yup we thought we would lose alot of business when they set up there but suprisingly they send alot our way."

    The Currys store was completely empty compared to Commet that was wedged and even with it being that busy the sales assistant still took the time to sort out my purchase.

    Just thought i would share.
    Last edited by Muddy Boots; 20 December 2007, 15:01.
    Tequilla - breakfast of heros.

  • #2
    Whats worse is that they are both owned by the same parent group !!

    Ha Ha



    • #3
      Perhaps that how recruitment goes.

      "sorry but sadly we dont think you are good enough to work for Commet. We found you rude, unhelpful, a bit scutty and frankly a few sandwiches short of a picnic. So here is your Currys uniform see you monday."
      Tequilla - breakfast of heros.


      • #4
        Originally posted by poppy986
        Whats worse is that they are both owned by the same parent group !!

        Ha Ha

        Is that Dixons? Or is it Currys who own Dixons?
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          Originally posted by poppy986
          Whats worse is that they are both owned by the same parent group !!

          Ha Ha


          No they are not, you're thinking of Dixons / Currys / PCWorld / Link being all owned by the DSGi Group, Comet is owned by Kesa Electricals.

          I know this because I hate with a passion Currys etc Comet are far better.

          EDIT anyway I'm more shocked about spending £200 on the Mrs, that money could have been spent on your truck
          Last edited by 24Seven; 20 December 2007, 15:17.
          I Love Wales


          • #6
            Originally posted by 24Seven
            No they are not, you're thinking of Dixons / Currys / PCWorld / Link being all owned by the DSGi Group, Comet is owned by Kesa Electricals.

            I know this because I hate with a passion Currys etc Comet are far better.

            EDIT anyway I'm more shocked about spending £200 on the Mrs, that money could have been spent on your truck
            I have amassed over £400 truck funds in the last few months, but I'm thinking about buying a mill to partner my lathe instead. Then I can MAKE truck bits instead!
            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


            • #7
              id rather have a curry than be hit by comet tbh...

              dixons owns currys, pc world and some others
              google DXNS
              Oh Nana, what's my name?


              • #8
                Originally posted by 24Seven
                EDIT anyway I'm more shocked about spending £200 on the Mrs, that money could have been spent on your truck
                Having spent close to £700 on the truck of late I think i got away quite lightly this year.
                Tequilla - breakfast of heros.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Muddy Boots
                  Unreal how can you have such a different experience in two similar shops.

                  Let me expalin.

                  Just been to my local retail park to buy the Mrs an Ipod Touch. Both shops sells said Touch for £200.

                  First Currys.

                  Walked in looked around for 5 minutes and could'nt find them so I asked a sales assistant.

                  So he directs me to the wrong isle and continues excurvating the contents of his nose.

                  Ok so I will ask at "The Help Desk".
                  The reply;

                  "Yes we sell them, you get this and this and this with it and you can take out cover for this much and have this for it for half price blah blah blah."

                  "Ok so where are they then?"

                  "We have sold out."

                  So having wasted 15 minutes walked across the road to Commet.

                  Within a minute of entering the shop found where they were on sale. One minute later a sales assistant walks over tells me they will check stock of the item and the assessories if I am interested. Advises me of the promotion that goes with them. Walks over to the till opens it, takes payment for the transaction wishes me a merry christmas and away we go.

                  I actually commented in Commet shop to the sales assistant saying what a bunch of b.llock jugglers Curries were and she said, "Yup we thought we would lose alot of business when they set up there but suprisingly they send alot our way."

                  The Currys store was completely empty compared to Commet that was wedged and even with it being that busy the sales assistant still took the time to sort out my purchase.

                  Just thought i would share.
                  I take it you asked the mrs for a share potfolio including Commet hence the above post


                  • #10
                    I got exactly the same at our local store on Sunday ! Give me Comet any time
                    Even liked my 'Shiney Surf' when the sales support guy insisted helping us with our purchase ( he wanted a smoke break really)
                    Death rides a Black Horse


                    • #11
                      Went into PC World on Friday looking to buy a laptop as a back-up to the home PC. They'd been advertising an E-Systems pc for £329 on the telly which looked like it would do as it doesn't need to be all singing as a back-up. So finally after about 15 minutes waiting one of the sales assistants eventually decided to see if I needed any help. When I explained what I wanted he proceeded to tell me that it wouldn't do, it was a very slow processor and that as it runs Vista none of my existing software would work and I'd need to buy all new. So I walked out and PC World lost a sale, silly bu**ers! Hopefully found what I want in Staples for £30 less!!!
                      Mike G


                      • #12
                        Currys just got me out of the sh1te

                        BT in their infinite wisdom decided that rather than replace my rebooting router they would try a bios upgrade.

                        They sent me a CD, ho hum I'm not here most days, and they (along with Home Delivery) failed to grasp the concept of deliver it on Thursday, I got it yesterday.

                        I carried out the upgrade to a stable setting, then their 'engineer' carried out an upgrade online which died halfway, result one totally fubarred home hub.

                        They are rushing a home hub which will be here by 6 tomorrow, no doubt it will start rebooting and need an upgrade

                        A problem for the average home user but when a real PITA when I am meant to be working at home tomorrow, the 27th and the 31st - ie no 1 hour drive each way each day

                        So a trip to curry's today and on the 2nd attempt (they sold me a router without a modem first time - didn't expect em to be perfect did you ?) I am saved - thank you Currys
                        Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Tallyman
                          Went into PC World on Friday looking to buy a laptop as a back-up to the home PC. They'd been advertising an E-Systems pc for £329 on the telly which looked like it would do as it doesn't need to be all singing as a back-up. So finally after about 15 minutes waiting one of the sales assistants eventually decided to see if I needed any help. When I explained what I wanted he proceeded to tell me that it wouldn't do, it was a very slow processor and that as it runs Vista none of my existing software would work and I'd need to buy all new. So I walked out and PC World lost a sale, silly bu**ers! Hopefully found what I want in Staples for £30 less!!!
                          some great salesman work there!
                          he should have sold you an xp machine!
                          apparently, if you buy a vista business machine, you have the option to downgrade to xp professional. this is something microsoft offer - not pc world. so as long as you have the cd you can do it.
                          if they dont sell xp machines anymore, i would try and ask someone at pc world to do it for you, but they might charge
                          Oh Nana, what's my name?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Muddy Boots
                            Perhaps that how recruitment goes.

                            "sorry but sadly we dont think you are good enough to work for Commet. We found you rude, unhelpful, a bit scutty and frankly a few sandwiches short of a picnic. So here is your Currys uniform see you monday."
                            yep. (it was a long time ago....
                            Attached Files
                            it's in me shed, mate.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by UDTrev
                              Currys just got me out of the sh1te

                              BT in their infinite wisdom decided that rather than replace my rebooting router they would try a bios upgrade.

                              They sent me a CD, ho hum I'm not here most days, and they (along with Home Delivery) failed to grasp the concept of deliver it on Thursday, I got it yesterday.

                              I carried out the upgrade to a stable setting, then their 'engineer' carried out an upgrade online which died halfway, result one totally fubarred home hub.

                              They are rushing a home hub which will be here by 6 tomorrow, no doubt it will start rebooting and need an upgrade

                              A problem for the average home user but when a real PITA when I am meant to be working at home tomorrow, the 27th and the 31st - ie no 1 hour drive each way each day

                              So a trip to curry's today and on the 2nd attempt (they sold me a router without a modem first time - didn't expect em to be perfect did you ?) I am saved - thank you Currys
                              lol i work for bt, and i have me interent and phone with nthell, we get bt internet free if yer work for them at what evers the highest speed yer can get at yer house, ive give my freebe internet to me dad, its much less hassle being on cable.lol

