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anyone know about kittens??

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  • anyone know about kittens??


    my cat popped out 3 kittens 2 weeks ago... what do i need to have done to them??....

    Mrs slug reckons they dont need vets till 12 weeks and you can get shot of them at 8 weeks... but i said no-one's gonna pay £30 for a kitten that need to go and have injections costing FK how much. (i'd be happy to give them away, but she reckons we can sell them!)

    so, any i dea what i gotta pay for??
    nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!

  • #2
    £2.80 for 2 decent burlap sacks,bekieve earth and stones are free
    Non intercooled nothing.


    • #3
      Originally posted by gwh200
      £2.80 for 2 decent burlap sacks,bekieve earth and stones are free

      i could fit them in my trouser pocket and put them on to spin... she wouldn't let me!!
      nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


      • #4
        We had a cat years ago that had six kittens, as soon as they were old enough we gave them away. No vets were requiered.


        • #5
          4 mins in microwave...skinned prior to cooking obviously. taste like chicken!

          or bbq, but weather's a bit sh1te for that.

          all seriousness don't cook kittens.

          they don't taste like chicken at all.
          i swear, it was like that when i got here...


          • #6
            Originally posted by gwh200
            £2.80 for 2 decent burlap sacks,bekieve earth and stones are free
            that's just cruel!
            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


            • #7
              Originally posted by logey79
              that's just cruel!
              they'll never know what bag it is... them prada bags cost mega bucks!!
              nee nar nee nar, i'm a fire engine!


              • #8
                You can give them away as soon as they are weened of the cats milk and onto proper food not vets required. For £30 a kitten most if not all people will be looking for pedigree, for general house cats I would be setting my sights lower.


                • #9
                  My cat managed to produce a total of 14 kittens before we could get her done. All were weaned on to solid food, then given away.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by ABE
                    You can give them away as soon as they are weened of the cats milk and onto proper food not vets required. For £30 a kitten most if not all people will be looking for pedigree, for general house cats I would be setting my sights lower.
                    I would suggest keeping them for a few weeks after they are weaned, and don't give them away. If people have paid for them, they are more likely to look after them.

                    Up to the point you give them away, handle them as much as possible - they will be much more friendly, and much more appealing to potential owners. The first 3 weeks are most important, so try to handle all the kittens a couple of times a day, even if it is only to pick them up, stroke them and put them down.

                    Vaccinations at 9 weeks and 11 weeks - if you give them away, recommend to the new owners that they are a. vaccinated and b. neutered (9 months for females, up to a year for males).

                    Don't give them milk!

                    More advice here - mainly intended for new owners of our kittens, but cats are cats, so equally applicable to mogs.

                    Some of ours...

                    Oh, and £30 gets you a mog kitten from a pet shop. Add a zero for a pedigree kitten (one of the cheaper breeds). Something like a Bengal could cost you up to £800 for a kitten.

                    PM me if I can be of any help.

                    I am not a number. I am a FREE MAN!

