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Not happy!!

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  • Not happy!!

    Well, Stormforce came by today with sledge to collect my old bumper..

    I always thought my truck was a bit of a beast .... Stormy parked next to me an dwarfed my poor truck!

    I can honestly say the pictures Rich has posted do his truck no justice an there good pictures!!

    We even had comments from some bloke about 'nice wagons' or somet.. Either way it was 'pro' 4x4 talk!!!

    Anyway - Rich, Neil was good to meet you (again in some cases) an have a great chat! Hope the bumpers alright!

  • #2
    Originally posted by RodLeach
    Well, Stormforce came by today with sledge to collect my old bumper..

    I always thought my truck was a bit of a beast .... Stormy parked next to me an dwarfed my poor truck!

    I can honestly say the pictures Rich has posted do his truck no justice an there good pictures!!

    We even had comments from some bloke about 'nice wagons' or somet.. Either way it was 'pro' 4x4 talk!!!

    Anyway - Rich, Neil was good to meet you (again in some cases) an have a great chat! Hope the bumpers alright!
    now you know how i feel when skull parked next to stormys n i got a saggy arse n cant afford to get mine like that darn it one day.


    • #3
      Its a stunning truck aint it!!!

      I regret not gettin off my a$$ an trying to fit in all the parts ive got!

      Early next year - Thats it!! Its getting done


      • #4
        Originally posted by RodLeach
        Its a stunning truck aint it!!!

        I regret not gettin off my a$$ an trying to fit in all the parts ive got!

        Early next year - Thats it!! Its getting done
        god i would have got them fitted by now m8 lol


        • #5
          Originally posted by pirate-storm
          god i would have got them fitted by now m8 lol

          I know, Problem is i need my uncle to help out an hes been sorting out his own cars recently... plus its fluckin freeeezing!!

          I think 90% of it im gunna take down to the garage that does most of my 'urgent' stuff - only charged me £50 to change - exhaust, brake pads an rear shocks on my old surf!! Cant complain at that.


          • #6
            Originally posted by RodLeach
            I know, Problem is i need my uncle to help out an hes been sorting out his own cars recently... plus its fluckin freeeezing!!

            I think 90% of it im gunna take down to the garage that does most of my 'urgent' stuff - only charged me £50 to change - exhaust, brake pads an rear shocks on my old surf!! Cant complain at that.
            you should have got stormy n sledge to do it while they was there you could always give tony a shout n see how much he charges least youll know it done properly


            • #7
              Originally posted by pirate-storm
              you should have got stormy n sledge to do it while they was there you could always give tony a shout n see how much he charges least youll know it done properly

              True!! I cant really get anything done this side of xmas - blown 90% of my money an being off work for pretty much a month makes a tasty dent in funds!!!


              • #8
                Originally posted by RodLeach
                True!! I cant really get anything done this side of xmas - blown 90% of my money an being off work for pretty much a month makes a tasty dent in funds!!!
                yeah i bet m8, ive got to save like hell if i can with probs we having at min. so hope to have skull done by rtts 08


                • #9
                  Originally posted by pirate-storm
                  yeah i bet m8, ive got to save like hell if i can with probs we having at min. so hope to have skull done by rtts 08

                  Im sure we'll all help you out if we can mate!!

                  Lets hope its nothing majour wrong with Skull!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by RodLeach
                    Im sure we'll all help you out if we can mate!!

                    Lets hope its nothing majour wrong with Skull!
                    i have had some help on here from some members to which im grateful, but i need to do skull on my own if thats what you mean, i got stormy to help fix things we can fix n if we cant skull will only go to tony. although mark said he will help me raise skull but not sure now with things going on for him n shirls


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by RodLeach
                      True!! I cant really get anything done this side of xmas - blown 90% of my money an being off work for pretty much a month makes a tasty dent in funds!!!

                      Shame you don't live nearer to me Rod, I would have given you a hand one week-end for a cup of tea or two and bacon butties of course.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                        Shame you don't live nearer to me Rod, I would have given you a hand one week-end for a cup of tea or two and bacon butties of course.

                        hmmmmmmm bacon butties!!!!!!! did you have to say that bushy


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by pirate-storm
                          hmmmmmmm bacon butties!!!!!!! did you have to say that bushy

                          With HP sauce!


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by BUSHWHACKER
                            With HP sauce!
                            no no nonoooooooooooo your being cruel now


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by pirate-storm
                              no no nonoooooooooooo your being cruel now

                              and a big mug of tea, with three sugars!

