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Parts Stolen

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  • Parts Stolen

    Hi Guys after an 18 month project to get my surf on the road i have been trashed, i had my surf parked up at my mates garage whilst having work done on it, somebody has broken in smashed windows wrecked bodywork ect, they have stolen a Black bullbar with a 2.5 ton electric winch built into the bullbar, 4 rims and brand new 50/50 tyres (marshalls), i am gutted as it has now brought an end to me owning a 4x4 which i had spent a lot of money on, if anyone is offered a bullbar/winch and or rims and tyres in the ashford kent area please phone kent police and quote incident 11-179 or contact me at paulwest84@aol.com or via this forum, i do have pictures of the car under paulwest84 on this site if you need to see the wheels /winch ect.
    i have just completed the head rebuild and was going to put her on the road next week, hope they burn in hell who ever did it, they will probebly sell the bits for peanuts.
    Thanks to all on site who have helped me over the last 18 months, after spending over 3k on the vehicle and not had any use i dont think ill be going down that road again.
    If anyone see's or hears anything please let me know, i know its a long shot but worth a try.
    Last edited by paulwest84; 12 December 2007, 13:07.

  • #2
    Have you got pics of the stuff that was nicked, keep an eye on ebay over the next few weeks.

    Thieves are the lowest form of scum, wish the old bill and courts would deal with them properly.

    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #3
      I really hope they do burn in hell mate... any chance you could claim against household insurance?


      • #4
        Thats heartbreaking Paul, so sorry to hear, it really dose'nt pay to leave anything of any value outside, sad to say that it's the way it is these days,
        these scumbags never seem to get what they deserve, i'll keep an eye on ebay etc, any pic's of the stuff?
        Too young to die and too old to give a toss


        • #5
          Originally posted by TonyN
          Have you got pics of the stuff that was nicked, keep an eye on ebay over the next few weeks.

          Thieves are the lowest form of scum, wish the old bill and courts would deal with them properly.

          Sorry to hear about this, we do try our best!! Our hands are normally tied with the CPS (criminal protection service!!) Lol

          "Master you anger, before anger is your master!!"


          • #6
            parts stolen

            here are some pics of the van post trashing


            police were $$$$$$ useless, phoned at 7:45 in the morning, attended at 17:30 wernt really interested, if anyone is offered any of this please let me know, not that itll help van wise but may make me feel better if i could get them done for it!!
            Last edited by paulwest84; 12 December 2007, 13:51.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Dean K
              Sorry to hear about this, we do try our best!! Our hands are normally tied with the CPS (criminal protection service!!) Lol

              On a slight tangent Dean! i took your advice and went to our local police stn regarding the wheel carrier that the bloke had my money and did'nt send it,
              they forgot to relay the info to leicester police (where the guy lives) till i went in again two weeks later, leicester were going to get a local officer to chase him up, to date (approx 4 months) i've managed to speak with the officer once, to be told he hase'nt got an answer when he went round to the guys house, and thats it basicly, i know you guys are busy and in my case it's pretty much down the list of serious crime but this is how the "public" judge the cops!! thats why we feel there's a total appathy present in the police force, i've only called on the police 3 times in my life for help and been let down each time, as paul just said the police were ####### useless, can ya blame us?
              but go 5 mph over the limit and hey presto instant fine and points,
              i'm now going to have to try the courts and aint holding out much hope there either,
              Too young to die and too old to give a toss


              • #8
                Originally posted by POPEYE
                On a slight tangent Dean! i took your advice and went to our local police stn regarding the wheel carrier that the bloke had my money and did'nt send it,
                they forgot to relay the info to leicester police (where the guy lives) till i went in again two weeks later, leicester were going to get a local officer to chase him up, to date (approx 4 months) i've managed to speak with the officer once, to be told he hase'nt got an answer when he went round to the guys house, and thats it basicly, i know you guys are busy and in my case it's pretty much down the list of serious crime but this is how the "public" judge the cops!! thats why we feel there's a total appathy present in the police force, i've only called on the police 3 times in my life for help and been let down each time, as paul just said the police were ####### useless, can ya blame us?
                but go 5 mph over the limit and hey presto instant fine and points,
                i'm now going to have to try the courts and aint holding out much hope there either,
                I fully understand thats how the police are seen, we are busy but there is no excuse for your case taking that long and not getting to the bottom of it. As you say its not high up like a robbery but it is a crime that effected you, and should be dealt with in the same investigation way!! I always try and make it clear to new officers on shift, when you go to a trivial parking issue (and it may be your 2nd of the day!!) it is very important to the person who called and maybe stressing them out!!

                I do hear the same from people most days and feel that most people when they get a good service from the police as they expected don't tell everyone, but the speeding ticket gets told to everyone and thats the way even I act!! I tell all that I got 3 points from my own force, but dont broadcast the good effort my family got in a burglary case.

                Its just the way it is and until things (paperwork) change it will IMHO stay the same.

                "Master you anger, before anger is your master!!"


                • #9
                  Criminals shouldn’t have protection/rights IMO. All rights should be lost when the crime it committed and they are found guilty.

                  Bring back the chair.


                  • #10
                    our local beat bobby is brillient, always turns up when required, i know the force is streached to breaking point, in all fairness at least this time they attended, when my bmw got broken into 4 years ago all i got was a crime number, at the end of the day they took blood samples,fingerprints and hair samples so we may get lucky, its just why did it take so long...............

                    hope the photos can be seen from my web site album, hope they may be of some use.

                    again thanks again all, paul


                    • #11
                      I'll keep an ear out, but keep an eye in the friday ad and on ebay. Use friday ad online cos you'll be able to search other locations aswell instead of just the local one.
                      =SOLD UP!=

