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Surfs up for SDV

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  • Surfs up for SDV

    Hi All, I think we knew this was coming but I've now put the SDV (my 2nd gen) up for sale. Lottie is going back to work in January and as she does some home visits and will be ferrying kids we decided to replace the Surf with something easier to load kids in and park. We've been undecided for a while and now her return to work has been the final push. We bought the replacement car last night so she's got to go. I won't do a shameless plug for the existing ad but I may put an ad up here shortly.

    We had some good times and some trying times, but mostly good and we will both miss 'Sussex's loudest Surf?' it when it's gone. Still not sure if we've done the right thing but are you ever?!

    We'll miss the ownership banter on this forum but we promise to come back and check in on you all every now and again. A possible plan that is being hatched is to maybe get a cheap SJ to use as an offroad toy.
    Last edited by Snoop; 12 December 2007, 12:38.
    Real trucks don't have spark plugs

  • #2
    We'll miss the SDV - but that doesn't mean that you and Lottie have to be strangers Doug!! We still want to hear from you - and hopefully see you too!!



    • #3
      we'll be around!
      Real trucks don't have spark plugs


      • #4
        i'll try and carry on the sussex end..2000watts, and 12 inch subs,2 6x9's so far!

