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  • Well....

    i have the funny feeling my hand is completly fcuked!

    For the past couple of weeks ive developed 'tendonitis' (i think thats how its spelt)

    In my right hand, Its getting worse quiet quick. Its just constantly painful.

    Doctors told me its just wear an tear - at 20 years old that is really depressing.

    Ive now got severe cramp in the somet muscle in my hand an it swells up if i do pretty much anything.

    Well, Being a plumber that is bad enough!! It dosen't help in the damn slightest.

    BUT what i consider worse, Is that im a guitar player - Its my world!

    I used to be a teacher an ive got one student at the moment because they were desperate for me. Ive never done any gigs, But ive some absolutly awesome crowd moments in guitar stores! - comes from hating school an turning to playing to take my mind off things!

    This COMPLETLY sucks!

    yeah, maybe when im 50 or something - but 20?! my life is in front of me - an i feel crippled!

    moan over!

  • #2
    Mate, when I was mid 20s I was working in the building trade, and one little job was chopping a trench in for a 4" pipe through 'bedrock' for about 60 metres, couldn't get any big machinery in so did it with a little roadbreaker... that knackered my hands up so I had to jack in drystone walling (built a wall at chelsea flower show one year ) Not quite headlining at Glastonbury, though...
    Anyway, I wore a copper bracelet for a few years, and that did help, but it did ease off after a couple of years, now nearly 20 years later, it only really bothers me just before it snows!
    Don't let yer hands get too cold, don't grip hammer drills to tight(or anything else that vibrates!!) Don't get dehydrated, and talk to your quack.
    Good luck with it!
    it's in me shed, mate.


    • #3
      Sorry to hear that Rod, yeah thats young to be haveing "wear and tear" spouted by doctors, is it one hand? fret hand? sounds like that repetitive strain thing, i have trouble with mine but it's due to (as charlie said) several years of opperating a jack hammer for ports city council, plus i'm 60,
      have you seen a specialist? good luck with it mate
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss


      • #4
        Originally posted by RodLeach
        i have the funny feeling my hand is completly fcuked!

        For the past couple of weeks ive developed 'tendonitis' (i think thats how its spelt)

        In my right hand, Its getting worse quiet quick. Its just constantly painful.

        Doctors told me its just wear an tear - at 20 years old that is really depressing.

        Ive now got severe cramp in the somet muscle in my hand an it swells up if i do pretty much anything.

        Well, Being a plumber that is bad enough!! It dosen't help in the damn slightest.

        BUT what i consider worse, Is that im a guitar player - Its my world!

        I used to be a teacher an ive got one student at the moment because they were desperate for me. Ive never done any gigs, But ive some absolutly awesome crowd moments in guitar stores! - comes from hating school an turning to playing to take my mind off things!

        This COMPLETLY sucks!

        yeah, maybe when im 50 or something - but 20?! my life is in front of me - an i feel crippled!

        moan over!
        Rod give me a ring mat 07739865261. It souunds like u have subluxed the lunate in your hand, i can fix that for you or put you in touch with somone local to you who can. Colin


        • #5
          Originally posted by charvell
          Rod give me a ring mat 07739865261. It sounds like u have subluxed the lunate in your hand, i can fix that for you or put you in touch with somone local to you who can. Colin
          Colin is the man for stuff like this, trust me!

          All Linda's broken horsey friends love him now.
          4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


          • #6
            Could be a condition called Carpel Tunnel Syndrome mate. Compression of the carpel nerve around the wrist can cause this shooting pain into your hand. You might want to consider acupuncture as an option but usually surgery can sort it out. I can't believe your Doc has diagnosed you with "wear and tear" at 20.

            Might be worth getting a second opinion.

            Best of luck chap.
            Tequilla - breakfast of heros.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Muddy Boots
              Could be a condition called Carpel Tunnel Syndrome mate. Compression of the carpel nerve around the wrist can cause this shooting pain into your hand. You might want to consider acupuncture as an option but usually surgery can sort it out. I can't believe your Doc has diagnosed you with "wear and tear" at 20.

              Might be worth getting a second opinion.

              Best of luck chap.
              Carpel tunnel syndrome is a name GP's give to non descript pain in the hand/wrist. The main cause of is a subluxed lunate which is a small bone in the hand, surgery does not always sort it out as it is so misdiagnosed by GP's. I see about 3 or 4 of these every week in my surgery and have not yet had a true case of carpal tunnel Syndrome.
              SWIFT AND BOLD


              • #8
                Originally posted by RodLeach

                Doctors told me its just wear an tear - at 20 years old
                And you thought it just gave you hairy palms and sent you blind. Let that be a lesson to you

                Seriously though, it's usually worth paying a bit of money to see a specialist rather than depend on a GP. I have a few sessions with osteopaths before and after snowboarding to sort out a variety of minor leg injuries that have built up over the years (help me with that Colin??) and they have been excellent. A GP just told me to rest and elevate them when they hurt, which is fine until they hurt all the time.


                • #9
                  Do you want stein and i to take you to the vet to be put down

                  afterall you are nearly 3 dog years old


                  • #10
                    Woodzie - if all else fails, Would you mind mate?!

                    charvell, i feel a million times better after just reading your posts!

                    The feeling in my hand i can only describe as a kind of numbing pain. Its very dull. No precise points other then at times in my fingers. Its something im very aware of, its kept me awake a couple of nights.

                    Ive found two acupuncture treatment places. Both within 10 minutes of here. Its not the sort of thing that would cross my mind but im willing to give anything ago to try an sort it.

                    an Ian, No its my right hand mate. Ive always been aware with the way i play that my left hand (fret hand) would probably suffer in life for it. But its the right one thats thrown the towel in first!

                    Cheers for the comments guys.

                    Charvel, i'll try and give you a call tonight about it mate. Thank you, i really appreicate it!


                    • #11
                      sorry to hear that mate,when i was apprentice sparks(proper trade lol) used to chase b hand,so had similar probs,so i forked out, bought lockin sds drill with chisel,better but still hurt,so forked out for apprentice lololol


                      • #12
                        rod, another reason why it may not be your fretting hand is possibly your playing style. with the fretting your fingers become more agile, but if you play an aggressive picking style with lots of pm-ing then your straining alot through your right hand/wrist. do you play any spanish style at all or is it all rock riffing?
                        i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by logey79
                          rod, another reason why it may not be your fretting hand is possibly your playing style. with the fretting your fingers become more agile, but if you play an aggressive picking style with lots of pm-ing then your straining alot through your right hand/wrist. do you play any spanish style at all or is it all rock riffing?
                          err we still talkin strummin?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by logey79
                            rod, another reason why it may not be your fretting hand is possibly your playing style. with the fretting your fingers become more agile, but if you play an aggressive picking style with lots of pm-ing then your straining alot through your right hand/wrist. do you play any spanish style at all or is it all rock riffing?
                            Its mostly heavy stuff, Im in the extreme sides of guitar playing, Very very mellow an chilled out music sounds more like a violin with the volume technique rather then a guitar....

                            And then very heavy an fast metal, Think Lamb of god, pantera style. an yes lots an lots of palm muting, at varied but fast intervals.

                            love it.


                            • #15
                              Don't believe him everyone, he just wants someone to go to his house an fit all the parts he's been accumulating for his truck 'cos he can't be arsed to do it himself!

