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  • Originally posted by EvH
    i think the word you are looking for is STALLION
    Stop talking about me - I'm shy.....
    Too old to care, young enough to remember


    • Originally posted by EvH
      i think the word you are looking for is STALLION
      why ty


      • Originally posted by logey79
        i will...are all male horses hung like donkeys?
        id ave thought horses were hung like.......well.....horses !!
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • Ethpethially the oneth with the long hairth on their feet, Thaw one the other day with a chunk of thickth inch gurth thwinging two and fro ath he twotted acwoth the woad. He wath a big boy!!!


          • "Good at cracking bones"


            • Originally posted by Antshiel
              Ethpethially the oneth with the long hairth on their feet, Thaw one the other day with a chunk of thickth inch gurth thwinging two and fro ath he twotted acwoth the woad. He wath a big boy!!!
              goth !!!

              i wathent aware of your theckthually,owientated litht towardth hortheth
              mithter anttheel.
              perhapth we could encumber your goodthelf with ,potthibly a thaddle,bwidle and thome thtiwwups and wathe awound like madd thingth
              Non intercooled nothing.


              • Hi and welcome to the nut house.

                Please please consider before you mess with the fuse that someone has taken it out because of a dead short somewhere inside the dash, maybe due to the stereo being replaced and wires nicked. If you just stick a fuse in be very careful that the dash doesn;t burst into flames.

                For the sake of your truck please get the resistance checked at the socket.

                I have experienced the fizzling noise followed rapidly with the frying of wires under ones dash flames within 30 seconds and that was in the outside lane of the M6 not pleasant couldnt see the road for smoke.

                DIY has it's limits if the fuse is blown please find out why before sticking in another.

                Maybe it was borrowed to replace another on the board which blew and was never replaced.

                The 127 ways to look for a fuse thread which even involves the rear anatomy of a horse.

                What a mad house this is.
                www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

