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Oh Cock. I've broken it.

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  • Oh Cock. I've broken it.

    I decided to go an have a play in the mud out in the park today and got distracted by one of the old bomb craters.... Drove into it and came out first time, too easy so I tried some of the steaper sides My rear foglight is now squashed (why do they put them there?) and my front bumper is now missing some paint after an altication with the ground (I...need....lift....) Good fun though seeing what a stock truck can do

    What is more worrying is the fact that after hitting a violent rutt/bump the ABS light came on, and did not go off, On the way back I tested the ABS and can confirm that that is very much non-operational (It worked earlier today) I checked fuses etc, and the cables still seem ok as do the sensors (quick visual inspection). Is this a common problem? I can't think what would have disturbed the ABS... Anyone got any ideas on what might have gone??
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  • #2
    Originally posted by Karma Supra
    I decided to go an have a play in the mud out in the park today and got distracted by one of the old bomb craters.... Drove into it and came out first time, too easy so I tried some of the steaper sides My rear foglight is now squashed (why do they put them there?) and my front bumper is now missing some paint after an altication with the ground (I...need....lift....) Good fun though seeing what a stock truck can do

    What is more worrying is the fact that after hitting a violent rutt/bump the ABS light came on, and did not go off, On the way back I tested the ABS and can confirm that that is very much non-operational (It worked earlier today) I checked fuses etc, and the cables still seem ok as do the sensors (quick visual inspection). Is this a common problem? I can't think what would have disturbed the ABS... Anyone got any ideas on what might have gone??
    You could have cracked the sensor for the disc, upset the disc or just got too much gak around it, give it a good wash.
    Without Surf And Unhappy


    • #3
      fog light........

      i relocated mine to here, saves getting knocked off all the time.


      • #4
        ohhhh i thought ya had been playing rough sex games karma, well with a title oh cock i broken it


        • #5
          Nice place to put the foglight!


          • #6
            small exhaust clamp round wheel carrier bar as bracket, mot"s ok like that.


            • #7
              Yup looks good... Looking at the back I think one of the small round LED fog lights from Demon tweaks will fit in the spare wheel carrier centre..

              I gave everything a good clean, checked fluid level etc.. still no ABS.

              Gave it all another wash and have disconected the battery see if anything resets (wishful thinking probably, but worth a go)

              I was going to take the whels off and have a proper look but it was wet and miserable...

              Am I right in guessing that the ABS sensor for the rear wheels is on the gearbox/prop?
              More Lift.
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              • #8
                Originally posted by Karma Supra
                Yup looks good... Looking at the back I think one of the small round LED fog lights from Demon tweaks will fit in the spare wheel carrier centre..

                I gave everything a good clean, checked fluid level etc.. still no ABS.

                Gave it all another wash and have disconected the battery see if anything resets (wishful thinking probably, but worth a go)

                I was going to take the whels off and have a proper look but it was wet and miserable...

                Am I right in guessing that the ABS sensor for the rear wheels is on the gearbox/prop?
                Danno had a kitchen halogen light with a red bulb that fitted the centre of the spare wheel
                Break It,Fix It,Repeat,Break It,Fix It,Repeat


                • #9
                  I noticed the wire to the rear offside ABS sensor looked disturbed, it had come away from the two plastic mounting clips, so i'm guessing this will have something to do with it! didn't look damaged but you can never tell...
                  More Lift.
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