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  • Brighton

    Nice! working in the indian resturant (above the truck) yesterday, the christmas dec's were good, i wanted to get a pic of the truck in front of the giant snowman but it on the roundabout and the impatient bugga's would'nt hold still for a photo shoot,

    Too young to die and too old to give a toss

  • #2
    I use that Indian, what work were ya doing if you dont mind me asking? nice photos by the way, shame you cant get up on to the one in the roundabout (seen in distance of shot 2)


    • #3
      Originally posted by Roseyboy
      I use that Indian, what work were ya doing if you dont mind me asking? nice photos by the way, shame you cant get up on to the one in the roundabout (seen in distance of shot 2)
      Well i'm a plumber but i've been doing more painting lately, just done the entire resturant cieling's and walls, plus replaceing the odd tap/flush handel

      yeah the one on the roundabout is nice, they've put barriers all round it, pity would have liked a pic of the truck on there
      Too young to die and too old to give a toss

