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Went to look at someting today!

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  • #16
    The last dog we had from pup didn't like full choke chains, and we were recommended these, she never complained, but you still get some of the advantages of a choke chain http://www.valupets.com/pages/html/d...emi-choke.html
    =SOLD UP!=


    • #17
      Originally posted by Retribution
      Thanks guys i think he's lovely, amazing personality coming out, he's finally loosened up a bit and tail now constantly up.
      He made a mistake last night downstais in the passage and today upstairs on my rug (1st time today he actually been going up and downstairs) so i put him out the back and he done a big load of poo, didn't shout or smack him for the pee thing as i doubt very much it would work and don't believe in it.
      Spent the 1st 3 hrs today playing with him and getting him used to me, but tonight he goes for his injection and chipped and general check over to make sure he is all ok and weighed etc..

      Got some better pics but don't want to clutter up the site as i know they use a bit of bandwidth so will upload em to photoshop and post link.

      Pirate he's very strong minded m8 and you should see the size of his paws and legs.

      1 thing though i bought a choke chain and when i tried to walk him on lead he went nuts and started howling so took it off, so got to work something out there.
      best thing to do mate is join a dog training school see if there is any advertised at your vets or even ask the vet if he could recommend one ,
      it sounds like you need some training lol not being nasty but a friend of mine is a dog trainer and she says its the owners that need training lol
      lovely looking dog but as jax says you have got to let him know that he is the bottom of the pack in your house that means no on couch ,bed etc otherwise it may lead to serious probs later
      ps i wouldn't take him with you everywhere unless you are going to do it for the rest of hes life seperation anxiety stress may lead to destructive behaviour
      best of luck with him bet he turns out a beauty
      Only Toyota can get you out of shite


      • #18
        Lovely dog you got there!
        Hope you dont mind me adding my 2p worth and if you already know,my apologys. When you come into the house, ignore him for a couple of minutes.Say hello to everyone but him, even the cat if you have one.It just makes him know where he is in the pecking order. Be able to stroke him when hes eating and even take his food away half way through and try a long training lead with a pocket ful of cheese.Let him wonder off, call himwith a nudge on the lead and give him a reward when he comes to you.Also theres no point in anyone shouting at or hitting a dog when hes done wrong. Its too late then and he wont know what it was for. Better try and catch him in the act and then put him outside.
        Good luck.


        • #19
          Nice pup. Thats the breed i was going to get a while back,but work paterns put a stop to that. .

          Good luck on the training
          www.scottishmudclub.com for scottish events

