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veg oil (ann expensive experiance)

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  • #16
    Ann Expensive?

    Think I was married to her once...
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world


    • #17
      Originally posted by Apache
      Ann Expensive?

      Think I was married to her once...
      A lot of men have m8 and usually the beautiful 1's are called that


      • #18
        Originally posted by alf View Post
        Hia all, just a quick warning to those who are using and those who are thinking of using veg oil. Regular readers of this forum may remember a few weeks ago i asked if anyone had a puller to remove the injector pump of my 1996 3 rd gen. I was given an idea on how to make one by someone whose name slips my memory now, ( and i thank him for this). I made it and removed the pump. It was taken to be checked out at a diesel specialist, and repaired if needed. The injectors where found to be ok, so i asked for them to be cleaned and serviced anyway. When it came to the pump i was gobsmacked at what he found. The body of the pump was worn to excess and was redused to s$$$$. And needed renewing. The inside was clogged up with small lumps of congeeled veg. I had no option but to tell the chap to get on and do what had to be done. A week later he rang to say that all was now ok, and ready to be collected. I nearly died when i got the price, but i done a cash deal with him if the vat was dropped. This he agreed to and also knocked of another £ 80 for good measure. The total i had to pay him was £ 580. A trully painfull veg oil experiance indeed. My car has only done approx 50,000 miles, so its not due to milage covered. The filter was regulary changed. I didnt use the same supplier of veg oil all the time. But the place i got most of it off also sold it to a road tanker fleet, who ran all his fleet on it. He has had no problems at all with his trucks, so it cant be that sorce. The only other private manufacture i bought it of hads a fire and closed down. But i dont think it was his oil either, as i bought very very little of him. That only leaves Tesco, Makro, Liddle and Netto that i have bought it from. I also used dino diesel from time to time when i couldnt get to the veg oil supplies. So all thoughs thinking of using it be wary. It hasnt put me off , and i support all those who want to use it to get cheaper and cleaner motoring. I am just telling you of my experiance with it so far. I wish you all safe and happy vegging. Alf
        You mentioned your "car", are you referring to your Surf or another diesel engined car. I ask this because I know that Lucas/CAV pumps will fail quite quickly when used with veg oil due to the way they are lubricated (or in the case of veg oil are not lubricated)


        • #19
          Originally posted by SoundsDigital View Post
          You mentioned your "car", are you referring to your Surf or another diesel engined car. I ask this because I know that Lucas/CAV pumps will fail quite quickly when used with veg oil due to the way they are lubricated (or in the case of veg oil are not lubricated)
          read the whole thread!


          • #20
            Hi "Alf"when you never got back intouch i thought you had got you truck sorted out, had a near miss with "veg oil" my self i only use proper diesel or "BIO" from a local service station now.
            Live Life To The Full


            • #21
              Surf Diesel Injection Pumps

              I am not sure of the lubricity properties of any veg oil but to be safe I would add perhaps 2% or 3% el-cheapo engine oil to any veg oil unless you are mixing perhaps 1/3 to 1/4 veg oil to the diesel.

              If you are in the unfortunate position to have a pump problem may I suggest trying a brilliant fuel equiptment repairer who speaks our language.
              The company is in private ownership and you can speak direct to the BOSS and his name is Robert and the company is Airylee Motors Aberdeen.
              He is approved by all the major fuel equiptment manufacturers and has all the latest test and repair facilities you could ever wish for, costing many tens of thousands of pounds
              The contact number is 01224-872891 and just tell him Mike Muller gave you his number.
              I am in no way involved with them and get nothing out of it other than tell you that when I owned my own marine engineering and ship repairing company he was the only guy that did not speak with a forked tongue, and he delivered the goods when all the others did not
              I put a friend to him last week.
              His car was only running on 4 legs not the 5 that it should have been.
              He has a Merc and he spent over £900 with a local garage in an effort to fix his fuel pump but to no avail even with the help of Turners.
              Both Turners and the garage said a new pump was required and the cost of the pump and fitting was £1680, more than the car was worth
              His car was still only running on 4 legs not 5.
              I took the top off the pump and had a look see and all seemed ok.
              I advised him to go to Robert and say I sent him.
              £80 and three hours later he was driving his Merc on all 5 cylinders and was so pleased he gave Robert £25 to himself.
              If you have a problem it will only cost you a phone call, a small price to pay to perhaps save a lot of hard earned cash.

              Best Wishes

