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Radar detectors may be bad for you!

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Andy Dawson
    Ok, switching to total geek mode!
    The Radar speed gun will get picked up by most modern threat sensors on military aircraft and providing the system is set to automatic (as well as being carried - it's a separate pod) will attempt to 'Jam' the speed gun. The gun will mostly likely overload and switch down.
    A Tornado used to be the fastest aircraft of it's type at low level (below 500 feet) reaching speeds of approximately 750 knots - loosely known as F****n fast! especially as the pilots trained to fly below 100 feet.
    However, in order not to upset the more delicate members of the public, peace time height and speed limits are: minimum altitude - 250 feet (with regards the ground DIRECTLY below the aircraft) and an air speed of about 350 knots (not sure on the exact speed).
    Thus the story could be true - apart from the bit about the missile type .
    I once worked at a place in the UK where the RAF coppers were banned from using their speed guns without providing proper notification first due to this problem, it was also the same place where a Luton van nearly got run off the road by a yank A10 - not all the UK has the afore mentioned height limit!!
    I used to have a job 'policing' the sky’s looking for pilots breaking these rules, only I used a 6 million pound 'speed gun' that couldn’t be jammed and also recorded video of the aircraft! - Oh happy days!
    Finally, there are a couple more stories about -
    2 Pilots pinched some Night Vision Goggles from work and used to go bombing up the motorway in the dead of night with the lights off; hoping not to get caught. I think they were evenually traced.
    A pilots car was found rapped around a tree, the steering wheel was bent as he tried to 'Pull Up'
    More Urban legends? You deside!
    theres a company(pilkingtons optronics) up here that had big wigs from the mod and the police doing night trails in a couple of jags wired up with head up displays and full night vision, this was real
    Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


    • #17
      Originally posted by Apache
      We were talking at cross purposes. I was referring to radar warning receivers connected to chaff dispensers, such as Sky Guardian, not a jammer. Different jobs.

      RWRs are certainly not left in auto if connected to a full dispenser!
      Sorry if I gave the wrong idea with that 1st bit, you are quite right - RWRs do operate as you say. Didn't mean to sound like I was correcting you
      Groveling appology over.


      • #18
        Originally posted by Andy Dawson
        Sorry if I gave the wrong idea with that 1st bit, you are quite right - RWRs do operate as you say. Didn't mean to sound like I was correcting you
        Groveling appology over.
        Hehe, no worries mate. I was part of the team that tested HIDAS for spec compliance on Apache for more years than I care to remember, so I've been heavily involved in that end of things!
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #19
          Originally posted by mud skipper
          theres a company(pilkingtons optronics) up here that had big wigs from the mod and the police doing night trails in a couple of jags wired up with head up displays and full night vision, this was real
          The idea came from DERA Malvern. I remember the prototype (also a Jag) driving round the site when I was working there.

          Pilks Optronics is Thales now is it not?
          Cutting steps in the roof of the world


          • #20
            Originally posted by Apache
            The idea came from DERA Malvern. I remember the prototype (also a Jag) driving round the site when I was working there.

            Pilks Optronics is Thales now is it not?
            it would have been the same jag as i belive it went everywhere, pilks changed to thales now its known as Qioptics
            btw do you want some ring spots for your cage
            Surf.gone but not forgottendisco now gone aswell


            • #21
              Originally posted by Andy Dawson

              I once worked at a place in the UK where the RAF coppers were banned from using their speed guns without providing proper notification first due to this problem, it was also the same place where a Luton van nearly got run off the road by a yank A10 - not all the UK has the afore mentioned height limit!!

              I can vouch for that ........

              Once upon a lifetime ago I was posted to an exotic island called Benbecula and used to drive to work in a bright red Cortina (Yes - it WAS that long ago)

              One incredibly bright sunny day I was driving home along the coast road when my car was nearly blown off the road into a ditch - an F1-11 had came off the sea, CLIMBED up the beach right over the top of my car - it had to climb or it would have got covered in grass and mud ! I looked to the left and saw a Buccaneer coming in on the same path so I was prepared for the turbulence when he flew over.

              Now I hesitate to suggest that it was deliberate BUT the entire landscape is brown and green up there and a bright red car stands out like a sore thumb .......

              Life is too important to take seriously !


              • #22
                Originally posted by Predictable Bob

                I can vouch for that ........

                Once upon a lifetime ago I was posted to an exotic island called Benbecula and used to drive to work in a bright red Cortina (Yes - it WAS that long ago)

                One incredibly bright sunny day I was driving home along the coast road when my car was nearly blown off the road into a ditch - an F1-11 had came off the sea, CLIMBED up the beach right over the top of my car - it had to climb or it would have got covered in grass and mud ! I looked to the left and saw a Buccaneer coming in on the same path so I was prepared for the turbulence when he flew over.

                Now I hesitate to suggest that it was deliberate BUT the entire landscape is brown and green up there and a bright red car stands out like a sore thumb .......

                just imagine if the (wow that was along time ago) cortina WAS green!!
                you could be part of benbecula,s landscape now !!
                Non intercooled nothing.


                • #23
                  Ah enjoyed reading this the old ones are the best.

                  I think if a person banned speed recording equipment on the RAF base they were very astute probably trying to avoid being charged for speeding. It would be unusual for the RAF to spend many thousands of pounds on a piece of high tech speed detection equipment to stop drivers braking the 15MPH speed restrictions.

                  Usually someone would screem at you from the roadside Heven help you if it was the SWO.

                  As the muniquip devices operate on sound waves not radar they record speed though sound waves being bounced off the car.

                  During my career I never heard of a Snow drop RAF Policeman with white hat using a speed gun.

                  We have only just taken on the newer lazargun in the civil Police.

                  Keep the stories coming there great.

                  I can remember one about the techs telling the pilot of his F4 Phantom flying home from Cyprus not to use his brake shoot when he landed back at Leuchars because they had stuffed the compartment full of duty free. The pilot was delighted as he would be getting his cut.

                  However when he touched down he forgot and spread FOD ( for the cabagges, bits of broken glass and ciggies for the non cabbages among us all over the runway.

                  Don't know maybe that ones true I wouldn't like to say either way.
                  www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

