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  • Compasses

    I like compasses, 'cos when in a strange town and lost - you always know which way to turn, (which is usefull on overcast days when you cannot see the sun) hehe.
    I am looking for one and the best I've found so far is this - http://www.speeding.co.uk/acatalog/S...l_Compass.html
    However, a mate of mine had a super dooper one with inclinometer and angle of dangle etc that looked like it should belong in a light aircraft and looked extremely sophisticated, doos anyone have a clue please?
    ...Woodie http://woodie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/D...%20Surfsml.JPG

  • #2
    Originally posted by Woodie
    I like compasses, 'cos when in a strange town and lost - you always know which way to turn, (which is usefull on overcast days when you cannot see the sun) hehe.
    I am looking for one and the best I've found so far is this - http://www.speeding.co.uk/acatalog/S...l_Compass.html
    However, a mate of mine had a super dooper one with inclinometer and angle of dangle etc that looked like it should belong in a light aircraft and looked extremely sophisticated, doos anyone have a clue please?

    If you're worried about your angle of dangle you should get yourself a girlfriend m8 .....



    • #3
      Originally posted by Linda
      If you're worried about your angle of dangle you should get yourself a girlfriend m8 .....
      I have a couple, but maybe they is just not sexy enuff! nart I meen
      ...Woodie http://woodie.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/D...%20Surfsml.JPG


      • #4
        Originally posted by Woodie
        I like compasses, 'cos when in a strange town and lost - you always know which way to turn, (which is usefull on overcast days when you cannot see the sun) hehe.
        I am looking for one and the best I've found so far is this - http://www.speeding.co.uk/acatalog/S...l_Compass.html
        However, a mate of mine had a super dooper one with inclinometer and angle of dangle etc that looked like it should belong in a light aircraft and looked extremely sophisticated, doos anyone have a clue please?

        Never mind the compass did you get the TRAFFIC WARDEN ............OHH if only!!!

        DUNNO'S BACK ..........He never really went away!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Woodie
          I like compasses, 'cos when in a strange town and lost - you always know which way to turn, (which is usefull on overcast days when you cannot see the sun) hehe.
          I am looking for one and the best I've found so far is this - http://www.speeding.co.uk/acatalog/S...l_Compass.html
          However, a mate of mine had a super dooper one with inclinometer and angle of dangle etc that looked like it should belong in a light aircraft and looked extremely sophisticated, doos anyone have a clue please?
          You can have mine!


          • #6
            I had a Sheryl (whatever) compass for about two hours, It would not adjust correctly within the truck, after one and three quarters of an hours fiddling with the adjustment it met with an untimely death by Yokohama

            Jeez I mean I can swing a compas on all of our vessels to within 2-4 degrees, but that was a pos !

            Ok nicely done, when we dry off we can go find the boat!


            • #7
              The only compass I have is a pocket one. Now if I get within 10ft of anything steel ( chain link fence, car, lamp post etc) it wants to point at
              the metal. So how do they work inside a metal box on wheels?
              It's only a hobby!

