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Insurance for daughter

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  • Insurance for daughter

    I called my insurance up and asked them if they would put my 17 year old daughter on for a day so she could experience driving the Surf.

    Sorry was the reply you need to be over 25 years old to drive a big powerful vehicle like that.

    When I was 17 years I learned to drive in my fathers Old Humber why cant youngsters be allowed to drive Surfs especially a 2.4.

    It seems rediculous they are slow safe and easier to drive than any tin pot 1.0l micro cars.
    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

  • #2
    Originally posted by Highlander1
    I called my insurance up and asked them if they would put my 17 year old daughter on for a day so she could experience driving the Surf.

    Sorry was the reply you need to be over 25 years old to drive a big powerful vehicle like that.

    When I was 17 years I learned to drive in my fathers Old Humber why cant youngsters be allowed to drive Surfs especially a 2.4.

    It seems rediculous they are slow safe and easier to drive than any tin pot 1.0l micro cars.
    Yes, I very much agree with you. I tried to get my son on my Surf insurance for a week at lambing time and was told the same thing (Although he drove it anyway - needs must!). He's 21 and drives large powerful farm equipment every day. Son No. 3 is 19 and drives a Starlet GT turbo on his own insurance like a lunatic - much more dangerous than a Surf. I'd rather the lads had accidents in a Surf than anything else.

    Last edited by jax; 26 November 2007, 20:20.


    • #3
      Ive been drivin these trucks since i was 17!!

      At first everyone told me "hahahaha you need to be 25 mate! Dont get one"

      Too late as it was already on my drive... Aquote sorted me out on my 1st truck an Adrian Flux sorted me out on my 2nd with mods!

      Im only 20 now!


      • #4
        try this company for young drivers.
        quinn insurance they are based in Ireland but we got the 1300 r reg fiesta fully comp in the wifes name and the boy as a named driver on L plates for just over £500 fully comp


        • #5
          Originally posted by RodLeach
          Ive been drivin these trucks since i was 17!!

          At first everyone told me "hahahaha you need to be 25 mate! Dont get one"

          Too late as it was already on my drive... Aquote sorted me out on my 1st truck an Adrian Flux sorted me out on my 2nd with mods!

          Im only 20 now!
          give me your grill!!!!!
          and if u put cat1 alarm on u wud get away with it insurance wise

