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Computers back

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  • Computers back

    Good morning all

    I haven't resigned my computer wouldn't let me go on line so had to be sent off for repair something about reinstalling the internet computery thingy ma jig.

    Anyway got it fixed but didn't have time to install the thing co's some little Bar Steward has vandalised my water supply which feeds my house (private supply 1,000 gal tank on the mountain etc).

    I haven't even had time to look on here.

    Been living like the tudor times fetching water from the stream.

    I have got to go and try to finish it today so won't hang around.

    I need to strip off and sink a cover over a hole in the concrete dam blooooody freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeezing. If it works I'll try to look in later.

    It gets a bit much when the little scrotes start attacking the house and interfering with the water supply by throwing rocks and smashing it to bits.

    Anyway congratulations in getting things back to normal.

    I am missing the crack.

    be round for tea soon.

    Cheers JB
    www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org

  • #2
    hi jb good to see you back. go sort the little scrotes


    • #3
      Just finished have now got pure Highland spring water once again at my taps.

      I am very very cold colder that a very cold thing on a very cold day in fact so cold that when I got into the roasting hot bath it went very cold.
      www.brydenenterprises.co.uk www.kirstyskids.org


      • #4
        well please feel free to defrost slowly jb,and in your hypothermic state dont forget that running over local scrotes is perfectly acceptable !!
        Non intercooled nothing.


        • #5
          high voltage electric fence, that will sort them out. Plus there are plenty of places to hide the bodies around the highlands

