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new sat nav!

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  • new sat nav!

    went and bought it today,i know it wont be popular but i love it!

  • #2
    I love satnav, its aved me hundreds in time and fuel going around edinburgh and glasgow, without even making rough directions out before, in short theyre ace, and even help couriers get my bits here in reliable fashion.

    Without Surf And Unhappy


    • #3
      ive had tom tom for years but it broke!wasnt to impressed with new ones so thought od give sony a go,and wow!uses new tech so it doesnt lose signal in tunnels etc,and has daylight sensor so it dims on its own as it gets dark!


      • #4
        My £100 Navman is the best ive had, tomtom, and medion didnt work well for me, but this is perfect. Navman F20
        Without Surf And Unhappy


        • #5
          odd,i couldnt get on with navman?


          • #6
            Originally posted by breakdowntruck2
            odd,i couldnt get on with navman?
            Were all different, maybe its because im simple aswell
            Without Surf And Unhappy


            • #7
              Originally posted by The Lang-Shankit Scunner
              Were all different, maybe its because im simple aswell
              lol nah i just like gadgets,but like to be diffrent!


              • #8
                Originally posted by breakdowntruck2
                went and bought it today,i know it wont be popular but i love it!

                Is that the 92... i bought one 2 weeks ago... its the biz.. I spent a bit of time reviewing all the makes..

                the Sony suction cup deserves an award on its own..it will stick to anything, windscreens ...dashboards, regardless of the type or finish of the plastic.. its a funny silicon gel type thing
                Last edited by Vultch; 24 November 2007, 22:47.

                Back in the day Baby


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Vultch
                  Is that the 92... i bought one 2 weeks ago... its the biz.. I spent a bit of time reviewing all the makes..
                  its the 82,i dont drive in europe so wud have been a waste!lol,been drivin round allday with holder stuck on dash,waitin for it to fall off but never did!


                  • #10
                    We use Garmin Nuvi's or Garmins 510D's at work... great units but this is the dogs $$$$$$$$

                    Back in the day Baby


                    • #11
                      just wish i cud change the voice!lol


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by breakdowntruck2
                        just wish i cud change the voice!lol
                        one of our suppliers has a voice change on his navman,and it says things like
                        "after two hundred yards turn right,...then spank me"


                        " at the next junction stop,and dend me over the bonnet"

                        its pretty cool
                        Non intercooled nothing.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by gwh200
                          one of our suppliers has a voice change on his navman,and it says things like
                          "after two hundred yards turn right,...then spank me"


                          " at the next junction stop,and dend me over the bonnet"

                          its pretty cool
                          i have 50 voices for tomtom!but nothin for sony........yet

