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Uncomfortable [ very!] seats in 1996 Surf

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Bogus

    So Farmer or Hairdresser ??

    You'd be suprised how far out you are in both cases!!!

    Rhys, if its not a 3rd Gen, it'll look exactly you old truck, just with flush headlights, and maybe the 'wide body' arches. Still havn't got to the bottom of your 'side opening rear door' issue!

    Maybe someone sold you a Land Cruiser in disguise!!

    4x4toys.co.uk - Keeping you on and off the road...


    • #17
      Hmm, rather odd… I’ve now owned 3 vehicles with Reccaro seats including my 2nd gen SSR-G V6 Petrol Surf and they have all been superb seats and ones that I find comfortable no matter how long the journey.
      Mine WAS a 150 bhp V6 and ran on PETROL


      • #18
        Originally posted by marky
        Mine are all squishy at the sides Some LARGE person must have owned it
        What do you mean ?
        The lumber lever works quite well maybe the edges were a bit tired but wouldn't say they were uncomfortable
        Death rides a Black Horse


        • #19
          Originally posted by John h
          What do you mean ?
          The lumber lever works quite well maybe the edges were a bit tired but wouldn't say they were uncomfortable
          3rd gen seats seam to be softer in Comparison to 2nd gen seats in my opinion thats all.


          • #20
            Originally posted by marky
            3rd gen seats seam to be softer in Comparison to 2nd gen seats in my opinion thats all.


            • #21
              Originally posted by breakdowntruck2
              He's having a go cos he bought my SILVER SURF & ive got his old one.
              YES iam Jealous
              Attached Files
              (='.'=) SQUIRREL MUNCHER GRRRRRRR


              • #22
                Look just cos the slimfast diet didn't work on me there's no use avin a go cos I'm a bit of a fat lad I just think the previous owner to me may have been a trainee pie master thats all

                so stop picking on me
                Death rides a Black Horse


                • #23
                  My Generation............. ????

                  mY Surf - the one with the overtight seats - was first registered in Japan in mid July 1996.

                  It is diesel.

                  The spare wheel contraption opens outwards ( to the right hand side as you look at the rear of the vehicle ).

                  Then the actual tailgate opens upwards to the skies ( not nearly as convenient as my 1991 model which opened downwards forming a convenient ledge ).

                  I don't think there is anything I can realistically do about the seats which I have now started to get used to.

                  I do however have another worry - something to do with the axle and/ or the rear differential.

                  When the car first arrived (October) it made a worrying 'grating' sort of sound - but only at slow speeds and when turning, eg to reverse or going round an island. Once travelling along at a normal driving speed there was no abnormal noise which I could detect.

                  I had to take it to four different garages before I found one ( a Transmissions specialist) in which the mechanic claimed to know what the problem was and to be able to fix it. He said in its then state it was a 'death trap' as it could sieze at any moment when driving along leading to catastrophic loss of control.

                  I can't remember now whether it was the axle or the differential or both - I think the axle. I think something to do with the pinions which had to be replaced.

                  Anyway, he did repair it ( cost approx £700 ) and it is a lot better but there is still a bit of a growling noise at slow speeds which I do not remember as normal in the previous two (both 1991) Surfs which I have owned.

                  Question is : do I need to worry about the 'growling' noise at slow speeds ? Or is it my imagination ? Or what ?

                  Is there ANY Surf expert I could take it to in the N/E to get a totally reliable opinion / diagnosis / cure ???


                  • #24
                    You at the wind up £700 bill and you don't know what was wrong with it or what they did to fix it.

                    It's still not right and you haven't taken back to the guy who's spending you're 700???????????????????????


                    • #25
                      What work did it say he'd done on the 700 quid bill?

                      Mine makes a bit of a crunching noise turning hard at low speed and conventional wisdom seems to be that it's the LSD beginning to wear.

