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Why do we pay for a TV licence

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  • Why do we pay for a TV licence

    Im fed up with it. I know its only £135 a year but for what? Im happy paying sky £x ammount a month and feel we are all having our pants pulled down .

    Sign the petition if you feel the same:
    Kite Surf

  • #2
    Saw your truck today ........... nice snorkel .........to go on it


    • #3
      Originally posted by Woodzie
      Saw your truck today ........... nice snorkel .........to go on it
      Tell me more tell me more! Its been almost 3 weeks and i miss it.
      Kite Surf


      • #4
        Originally posted by surfstar
        Im fed up with it. I know its only £135 a year but for what? Im happy paying sky £x ammount a month and feel we are all having our pants pulled down .

        Sign the petition if you feel the same:

        sky are robb dogs they ripped me off but i saw it through till the end
        got full refund and no 12 mounths to pay for
        they sold me a 3 part package when only one was available in this area
        left me with a sh1ty tv packaged that i did not want contract void before i sighned up for it i proved they knew it before they sold it to me
        consumers rights act 1999 protects you from the big wigs companys from haveing your pants down quote it to them if you get messed around tell the to put you throught to some one with knowaged of the consumers rights act of 1999
        i hate to pay out for nothing the tv licence is just a con but not much we can do about it blow up the BBC
        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          I would love not to pay but because i work away alot the misses would probably answer the door and crumble in seconds.
          Kite Surf


          • #6
            I haven't had tv for 4 yrs and don't pay for the tv license, i have had em knocking the door showing there warrent card and asking question like do i watch tv or have free view box sky etc i said no to all they asked to come in and i said yeh if you take your shoes off at the door, let em in turned tv on gave him the remote and said knock yourself out but there are over 200 channels enjoy and sat down

            He went threw 8 channels and gave up, then i said i also had tv upstairs if he wanted to check it out which he said no, since then they leave me alone


            • #7
              Originally posted by Retribution
              I haven't had tv for 4 yrs and don't pay for the tv license, i have had em knocking the door showing there warrent card and asking question like do i watch tv or have free view box sky etc i said no to all they asked to come in and i said yeh if you take your shoes off at the door, let em in turned tv on gave him the remote and said knock yourself out but there are over 200 channels enjoy and sat down

              He went threw 8 channels and gave up, then i said i also had tv upstairs if he wanted to check it out which he said no, since then they leave me alone
              Is it onle me who finds that incredibly baffling, You havent had TV for 4 years but " they" could come in and turn the TV on and select from 200 channels ??? Youre going to have to clarify, Im a bit slow

              Сви можемо


              • #8
                a tv license is against our human rights.
                the act clearly states that anyone must be able to recieve broadcasts / commnuications without anything interfering or preventing us doing so.

                this means that the fee on the license, and the concequenses are preventing us freely accepting these broadcasts.

                there are people who dont pay tv license because of the human rights act. and they get away with it. but you have to have the balls to do it in the first place.
                i would only be able to do this if i were on me own probably
                Oh Nana, what's my name?


                • #9
                  The TV licence funds the BBC, who also operate lots of radio channels, so it funds them too. It funds BBC world and foreign language broadcasts so that we can educate and brainwash johnny foreigner

                  I think its worth every penny. Its great to watch something without the constant interruptions by DUMB adverts. Some channels ( like 5) are at it within seconds of a programme starting sometime.
                  And Tony ( dieselboy) nothing is free, SKY is far from free and all channels have a huge cost in the term of the harm that their advertising does to society. Every time you buy something thats advertised on TV whether or not you watch TV, youre paying towards it.
                  Long live the BEEB and the licence fee. 38p per day. a bargain

                  Сви можемо


                  • #10
                    you make a point about the bl00dy adverts lol but they just give you enough time to make tea dont they?

                    the law of having a tv license prevents you from having a tv to watch sky, telewest/virgin or any other provider unless you pay for a tv license first..

                    i think the only way you would freely get away with not having a tv license is if you bought a tv device that was not capable of viewing any of bbc channels.
                    but if these existed then you would be able to watch any other channels either lol
                    Oh Nana, what's my name?


                    • #11
                      a note on TV ads, why aint they funny any more??
                      the best ones out now are the ones with the gorrilla playing phil collins..
                      Oh Nana, what's my name?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Bogus
                        Is it onle me who finds that incredibly baffling, You havent had TV for 4 years but " they" could come in and turn the TV on and select from 200 channels ??? Youre going to have to clarify, Im a bit slow

                        Was late when i replied to that m8

                        Ok i have 2 tv's and none are locked into bbc1 or any terrestrial channels also no sky/cable or freeview box

                        I have a few dvd's and xbox and playstation so no need for bbc etc...


                        • #13
                          Thank you for clarifying, now I,ll sleep easier. I was sure I was missing something obvious.
                          Сви можемо


                          • #14
                            tv licence??

                            from tv licencing site.....
                            You need a TV Licence to use any television receiving equipment such as a TV set, set-top boxes, video or DVD recorders, computers or mobile phones to watch or record TV programmes as they are being shown on TV.

                            If you use a set-top box with a hi-fi system or another device that can only be used to produce sounds and can't display TV programmes, and you don't install or use any other TV receiving equipment, you don't need a TV Licence.

                            ......so you dont need a licence to listen to bbc radio, or listen to the tele!!!!!


                            • #15


