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A slightly strange request

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  • A slightly strange request

    A mate of mine is in need of a couple of drogue parachutes. They will be used to slow down a bungee rope being used in a 4000 foot drop . The rope is to be cut and the jumper will then parachute down, the 'chutes will stop the rebounding rope from hitting the balloon (just in case you were wondering).

    If any knows of a source for this item (he has already tried EBay and Army surplus stores) please contact me as soon as possible. They will need to be in Oxford by next Tuesday (27th Nov) as he flies out on the Thursday.

    Thanks for your help.

  • #2
    I can't help with chutes but I'd love to see the vodeo!
    sounds hairy.

    yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


    • #3
      Originally posted by Andy Dawson

      A mate of mine is in need of a couple of drogue parachutes. They will be used to slow down a bungee rope being used in a 4000 foot drop . The rope is to be cut and the jumper will then parachute down, the 'chutes will stop the rebounding rope from hitting the balloon (just in case you were wondering).

      If any knows of a source for this item (he has already tried EBay and Army surplus stores) please contact me as soon as possible. They will need to be in Oxford by next Tuesday (27th Nov) as he flies out on the Thursday.

      Thanks for your help.
      Eh is that no just a Base Jump why the bungee first?


      • #4

        try them? they make them

        am not die lex sick its you that cant read mate


        • #5
          Cameron balloons in bristol should be able to sort you out
          it's in me shed, mate.


          • #6
            Try these peeps


            only about 10 miles from me - actually in the same factory where I was an apprentice toolmaker!
            Another member of the 'A' team

