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Rear fan assembly?

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  • Rear fan assembly?

    Hi folks, I have been using my rear fan more now it is getting cloder in the mornings and it is very noisey!! I guess it needs a bit of WD40 or worse case a new assembly??

    Anyone have an idea of how to get to it?? Do you just pull at the box from the was you look at the dials or need to go through the cubby box somehow?

    ** Update on the truck steaming up : 1 bottle of Radweld and all fixed, no loss of water and the truck windows are always clear!! Yipee...

    Thanks in advance for your help,

    "Master you anger, before anger is your master!!"

  • #2
    how is it noisey? my back fan isnt quiet but it sounds like air moving.. so wd40 wont sort that for me..
    Oh Nana, what's my name?


    • #3
      there's either 2 or 3 screws in the compartment under the armrest, and one either side of the tunnel near the rear window switch. You may also have to do the two screws at the front of the next bit of trim, one either side infront of the shift levers.
      =SOLD UP!=


      • #4
        Originally posted by dieselboy
        how is it noisey? my back fan isnt quiet but it sounds like air moving.. so wd40 wont sort that for me..
        To be honest it sounds like there is something catching the fan, leaf etc but dont think that can be the case where it is located. I am guessing that it is the bearing knocking, now I know how to remove it will have a good look.

        Thanks again, Dean
        "Master you anger, before anger is your master!!"


        • #5
          Thank you Dieselboy and Nero,

          I have taken the lid off and found 2 sweet wrappers wedged in the fan, that would be what the noise was then!!

          The only issue with my truck is when you take a screw out at least 50% of them will not return!! I do love all the quirky things on these trucks

          Another easy job with all the help from the forum, can always count on you folks for advice

          "Master you anger, before anger is your master!!"

