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  • #91
    Originally posted by MattF
    Aah, I thought you wrote the Bolton belt.
    shut up! as if!

    i've travelled star systems for centuries and seen nearly all there is to see...but go to Bolton???? no ta!!!
    i swear, it was like that when i got here...


    • #92
      (This is just here to stop the bugger lowercasing the smilies........ AGAIN).


      • #93
        Originally posted by logey79
        if you're too lazy to do what's needed to prove your point, then...erm...i don't know, i can't be @rsed to finish what i was going to say...
        Hell, I'm sure Apache will agree or slap me down in no time. Equation is a more frequent chore for him, I believe. I use it as last resort these days.


        • #94
          Originally posted by MattF
          Hell, I'm sure Apache will agree or slap me down in no time. Equation is a more frequent chore for him, I believe. I use it as last resort these days.
          i use an old sock or something as a last reso...oh, erm...ok, i see what you mean.

          forget that.
          i swear, it was like that when i got here...


          • #95
            Originally posted by logey79
            i use an old sock or something as a last reso...oh, erm...ok, i see what you mean.

            forget that.
            I hope you make sure it's been washed first?


            • #96
              Originally posted by MattF
              I hope you make sure it's been washed first?
              why? crusty bits help with the itching!
              i swear, it was like that when i got here...


              • #97


                • #98
                  i apologise...i have no shame...
                  i swear, it was like that when i got here...


                  • #99
                    Dave you missed out the 42 factor and the giant space goat


                    • Originally posted by MattF
                      Just the first match from Google posted as an example, but one will note that in certain areas of training, the BODMAS technique? isn't the defacto:


                      Assumptions are open to interpretation, therefore not specifying the order isn't a valid method other than in general math.

                      And no, I ain't going to try remembering all the equation theory just to prove this point.
                      don't wanna be argumentative, but...

                      Yes it was the first link from google.

                      I don't get the relevance of your link, there's not a single calculation on that page where adding removing or moving brackets (or whatever the technical name for them is) would make any difference to the answer.

                      However, on the calculator on the next page http://www.angelfire.com/pa/baconbacon/page3.html it doesn't matter what order you enter the equation in, if you don't add any brackets it always gives the answer 6.
                      =SOLD UP!=


                      • That wasn't the point.

                        If you note on that page, there is not one place where it is assumed you will interpret by any general rule how the calculation is done. It is implicitly specified. Implying leads to errors. If one does not wish for a calculation, or anything else for that matter, to be interpreted, then implicit specification is required. If it is not, it is open to interpretation.


                        • Originally posted by MattF
                          That wasn't the point.
                          oh well
                          =SOLD UP!=


                          • Originally posted by nero279
                            oh well

