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  • tyres

    just a quick one are greenway alligator or anaconda road legal ?
    i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)

  • #2
    Originally posted by johnd
    just a quick one are greenway alligator or anaconda road legal ?

    The Anacondas are, but they will make your eyes blurr and probably won't last long with continual road use!



    • #3
      thanks mate i just have an urge ,, know what i mean.
      insa turbo and macho look good just want to know whats legal .
      i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


      • #4
        As vince said, anacondas are. But the alligator's aren't road legal, maxi cross tyres are very similar but are road legal, only available in limited sizes though. try www.kingoffroad.co.uk or www.simmonites.com
        =SOLD UP!=


        • #5
          any idea what size 6.50-16 bsw or 7.00-16 bsw would be in real money is the 6.50 and 7.00 the rim width 16 rim size and no profile given ?
          i bust things ,, it a skill i have ,,( need help?)


          • #6
            Last post m8



            • #7
              Originally posted by johnd
              any idea what size 6.50-16 bsw or 7.00-16 bsw would be in real money is the 6.50 and 7.00 the rim width 16 rim size and no profile given ?
              if i remember rightly it's a variation on the way the sizes are written, which is sometimes used when the sidewall height and tyre width are the same. You just have to work out whether it's referring to metric or imperial sizes which is pretty easy really. Imperial sizes will be minimum 650, or 6.50", metric sizes will be maximum 300, or 300mm.

              750x16 is 7.5" wide, the sidewall height is also 7.5", and the tyre will fit a 16" wheel. The overall equivalent imperial sizing would be 31x7.50x16
              (the 31 being made up of the 16" wheel size and two lots of sidewall at 7.50" each)

              245x16 would be the same as a 245/100/16.

              All the above is assuming i remeber it all correctly, i could be wrong coz using the above a 245x16 comes out at about 35x9.50x16 which just doesn't sound right.
              =SOLD UP!=

