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I fixed it --- Well Kinda :)

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  • I fixed it --- Well Kinda :)

    Hi All,

    Regards to the rear window problem I have been having, with the motor cover removed, operating the motor showed the rubber shock had become detached from the back plate, so I tried to glue it yesterday, but because of rubber degradation, etc the glue did not hold when put under load....

    Hence last nights post about replacements, but, this morning with a clearer head I had a little think about it... and got to thinking about the two small holes that the rubber shock was moulded to on the back plate.

    Anyway a trip to the shop and two small self tapping screws later, the back plate and rubber shock were firmly re-attached. I am not sure how long it'll last, but its another tool in the box for anyone else with the same problem.

    Just a thought as well, do the corrola motors use the same internal workings? rather that buy the whole lot from a s$$$$y, maybe I could just get the rubber shock and drive plate?! especially if it would involve mounting it upside down?! My version of mechanics is; think, do, get frustrated ('cos it never works) try again, swear alot, then go and buy a new one.

    So trying to fit an upside down motor probably isnt my best plan of attack, if the internal workings are the same I could swap like for like.



  • #2
    the corolla ,celica ,mr2,and hiace passenger side motors will fit straight in.
    If you use the drivers side motors then you will need to turn them 180 deg's to fit them.
    So if your gonna get another motor to strip down to repair what you got then why not make sure you get a good motor and fit it straight in and save all the hassle of repairing it


    • #3
      Thanks Stormforce,

      I will if i can get a quality Passenger side motor from a s$$$$y tomorrow, it was just a thought that rather than fight (because when I try, it will become a gargantuan struggle between man and machine) it to get an O/S motor in (if thats all I can get) I could just repair the existing if the internals were the same.

      Probably twisted logic but hey it keeps me amused.



      • #4
        If you find an MR2 of a similar year and get the passenger side window motor it won't have been used as much as the drivers probably, and will hopefully be in better nick.

        i swapped mine a week ago and it's running really strong.
        I was lucky and got a motor in almost new condition.

        yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


        • #5
          adam i fitted wrong side to mine,honest its a peice of cake,hardly any worse than using the right one!

