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Watch the video to see why you need a Landcruiser !

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  • Watch the video to see why you need a Landcruiser !

    Seen this on the news, makes a change from the school run !!!

    Look out Eastbourne, the Pandas are coming !

  • #2
    Originally posted by UDTrev
    Seen this on the news, makes a change from the school run !!!

    yeah seen that on news this morning so funny


    • #3
      I once had a Siamese that broke out of her plastic cat carrier while I was driving. She smashed the whole front where the metal grate fitted in beyond repair. After that she would curl up on my lap while I drove.


      • #4
        When I had my Honda CRX about 15 years ago, I was taking our cat to vets. It didn't like travelling, so went in a cat box, however, she got out. She went tearing around the car in panic, settling in the footwell under the pedals!!

        I had to kick her out of the way with one foot before braking with the other! Crazy cat. Dead now.
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          Originally posted by Apache
          When I had my Honda CRX about 15 years ago, I was taking our cat to vets. It didn't like travelling, so went in a cat box, however, she got out. She went tearing around the car in panic, settling in the footwell under the pedals!!

          I had to kick her out of the way with one foot before braking with the other! Crazy cat. Dead now.
          did you kick it that hard then


          • #6
            Sgt Podge! Jeez some people.

            It will end up as roadkill or fox food.

            yoshie "Didn't know they had a pill for laziness, anyway get well soon."


            • #7
              Didn't I read something about cats in cars on here a while ago? (My dog reminded me)

              My Pointer ate the dog trainer

