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Which rack?

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  • Which rack?

    Both of these are a keen price.



    I kinds like the first one most, but it needs to go on roof rails, or I could make some mounts and bolt it directly to the roof. The other one would need mods to make it fit too cos there's no gutters to fit it to.

    Anyone got either? How did you fit it? Which do you prefer?
    Cutting steps in the roof of the world

  • #2
    As Steve Irwin once said about his lovely wife:

    "She's got a great rack, and the dog likes her".

    Sorry, I like the look of the first one myself.


    • #3
      I cannot make my mind up which I like best, both are nice
      I Love Wales


      • #4
        The second one is more practical. The roof lights would bolt nicely along the front, and a couple of worklights along the back. I'd toy with the idea of putting my spare, and a farm jack up there too.

        Would perhaps swap the tailgate for one off an underslung spare model too then, if I can get a blue 'un!

        The first one looks a bit slicker, but is perhaps a bit 'Chelsea Tractor' dont you think?
        Cutting steps in the roof of the world


        • #5
          Im with the 2nd one. I plan on sorting out getting something like that next year.

          I agree with you Apache, the 1st while one nice! Does look a bit... impractical so to speak. With its low edges etc.

          I think Both can bolt to roof bars cant they?


          • #6
            2nd rack is the best. the worst is i-raq...

            ......i'll get my coat...
            i swear, it was like that when i got here...


            • #7
              If I had the money I would have one of these for my LC

              I Love Wales


              • #8
                I like the second one. IF you want an underslung spare carrier, there's one under my truck thats not doing anything...
                it's in me shed, mate.


                • #9
                  Just bought the second one

                  Charlie, it's the tailgate I'd be after (the one without rear slung fixings) if I stick my spare on the roof.

                  If I do, I'd be happy to do a straight swap with someone with a blue truck who wants a rear slung spare.
                  Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Apache
                    Just bought the second one

                    Charlie, it's the tailgate I'd be after (the one without rear slung fixings) if I stick my spare on the roof.

                    If I do, I'd be happy to do a straight swap with someone with a blue truck who wants a rear slung spare.

                    Looking forward to pics

                    I know Popeye wants a rear hung spare, But i think his trucks grey.... shame!!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Apache
                      Just bought the second one

                      Charlie, it's the tailgate I'd be after (the one without rear slung fixings) if I stick my spare on the roof.

                      If I do, I'd be happy to do a straight swap with someone with a blue truck who wants a rear slung spare.
                      I would like to see some photos please as a photo of a BJ spacer would be nice also Mr Apache
                      I Love Wales


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Apache
                        Just bought the second one

                        Charlie, it's the tailgate I'd be after (the one without rear slung fixings) if I stick my spare on the roof.

                        If I do, I'd be happy to do a straight swap with someone with a blue truck who wants a rear slung spare.
                        I had a tailgate in the shed for ages- just lobbed it out...D'OH!!!(it was grey though...)
                        it's in me shed, mate.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Apache
                          Just bought the second one

                          Charlie, it's the tailgate I'd be after (the one without rear slung fixings) if I stick my spare on the roof.

                          If I do, I'd be happy to do a straight swap with someone with a blue truck who wants a rear slung spare.
                          hmmm i have a blue truck .............


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Woodzie
                            hmmm i have a blue truck .............
                            I'll have a think when my rack is fitted
                            Cutting steps in the roof of the world


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Chillitt
                              I like the second one. IF you want an underslung spare carrier, there's one under my truck thats not doing anything...
                              i need one??

